2013 Back to the Classics Reading Challenge

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I signed up for a Back to the Classics Reading Challenge for 2013, courtesy of Sarah Reads Too Much? I thought this would be a good one to try since I have been wanting to read more classics now that I enjoy reading more than I did back in high school. This challenge actually has a giveaway at the end, a chance to win a $30 Amazon Gift card, so why not try it out? Let me know what classics you think I should read to fulfill these category requirements.

Rules below and click on the button to read more about it, read other participants’ reviews and sign up!

From Sarah’s page:
I am making a few small changes this year, including requiring less categories to complete.  Wait, did I say *requiring*?  Yes, I did.  This year will feature 6 required  categories that all participants must complete.  Then, I will have additional categories that those super-motivated participants can choose to complete if they’d like.  All reviews must be linked on the appropriate pages again, and those will be listed on the left hand side of this page.  When you’ve finished, you will also need to link a wrap-up post.  Everyone who completes the 6 required categories and the wrap up post will be entered to win a $30US Amazon.com gift card or choice of book(s) from The Book Depository.  Any one who completes 3 categories from the optional list will earn one additional entry into the prize drawing.  Any one who completes all 5 categories from the optional list will earn two additional entries into the prize drawing.

All books must be read in 2013.  Books started prior to January 1, 2013 are not eligible.  Reviews must be linked by December 31, 2013.
E-books and audio books are eligible!  Books can count for other challenges you may be working on.
If you do not have a blog, you may link your review from Goodreads or other publicly accessible online format.
Please sign up for the challenge using the linky below BEFORE SEPTEMBER 1, 2013. Please link to your sign-up announcement post (if possible/applicable)
You do not have to list your books prior to starting the challenge, but it is more fun that way 🙂  You can always change your list at any time.  You can read the books in any order (including mixing in the optional categories at any time)
You can decide to attempt the optional categories at any point (you can also bow out of the optional categories at any point as well).
Please identify the categories you’ve read in your wrap up post so that I may easily add up your entries for the prize drawing!


The Required Categories:
1. A 19th Century Classic – Completed Pride and Prejudice 1/7/13
2. A 20th Century Classic – Completed The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
3. A Pre-18th or 18th Century Classic – Plan to read Dante’s Inferno or The Iliad
4. A Classic that relates to the African-American Experience – This can be an African-American author, or a book relating to slavery, civil rights, or African-American culture. – Currently listening to Audiobook for To Kill a Mockingbird
5. A Classic Adventure – Plan to read Treasure Island in March
6. A Classic that prominently features an Animal – This can feature animal characters or animals in the title (real or imagined) – Plan to read Watership Down

Optional Categories:

A.  Re-read a Classic – Plan to read The Count of Monte Cristo
B.  A Russian Classic – Plan to read Anna Karenina
C.  A Classic Non-Fiction title
D.  A Classic Children’s/Young Adult title – Plan to read Little Women
E.  Classic Short Stories – collection must include at least 3 short stories by the same author

As in years past, I just want to take a moment and let you know that especially for the purposes of this challenge, I do not subscribe to any set definition of a Classic. I think that anyone looking to participate in this challenge already has their own personal definition that works best for them.  If you are choosing to include a title that you feel may be questionably described as a Classic, please just explain your position in your review.

As always, I hope you have fun with this Challenge!  Good Luck!


  1. Pingback: Little Women
    1. I found the Classics Club after I signed up for the 4 other challenges, I figured I needed to draw the line. That is a great goal to read 50 in 5 years. I wish you luck as well. Any recommendations for a pre-17th or 18th century or animal classic book to read for my challenge? I could use recommendations! Thanks again for stopping by.

  2. Oh I have to see what my book club choices are this year. Then I will be back to sign up. Following you from the SITS sharefest.

    1. Thanks Raquel. Please sign up for the book challenge at http://www.sarahreadstoomuch.com. She has the linky you can add yourself to. I look forward to seeing what you’ve picked to read. I think I am going to do Dante’s Inferno for my January read which will meet both the classics challenge and the Bookmark to Blog’s January monthly keyword challenge to pick a book with fire in the title.

    1. Yep, it is pretty neat. I hope that some of the books will count for both the classics challenge and the monthly keyword challenge. Knock out two birds with one stone. It makes picking books to read more of a challenge but I think that will be part of the fun. Wish me luck or join in! 🙂

  3. Thank you so much for joining in the fun! I hope you enjoy picking out your books for the Challenge – I’ve been thinking through all the options myself… and then I’ll probably change my mind on some anyway. Good Luck!!


    1. Thanks Sarah, I’ve got an idea for some of my books. Great gatsby was a good suggestion from a reader, Treasure Island or Robinson Crusoe for the classic adventure, I would like to read a Dickens novel since I haven’t yet and need some help with the animal classic and the African American heritage. I am excited though to give it a whirl and join in to see what others are reading. What are your top 3 classics you’ve read so far from hosting these challenges? Look forward to hearing from you!

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