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ARC August Reading Challenge & Bout of Books 8.0 Readathon


ARC August hosted by Octavia of Read, Sleep, Repeat is a challenge to catch up on reading those ARCs and author review copies. She’s also giving away a $20 gift card to a book dealer of the winner’s choice at the end of the month.

Here are the author review copies that I need to catch up on during this event.  It will be a challenge to get these plus the ones done for the Beat the Heat Readathon, but I’m on a mission to get back to reading! Reading is my time to reset and recharge and as a busy mom, I need it, I foresee a lot of late night reading in my next month!

(links to book titles take you to the book description on Goodreads/Barnes & Noble)

morning light

monsoon memories

here we are and there we go

the last romanov








1. Morning Light by Holland Kane
2. Monsoon Memories by Renita D’Silva
3. Here We Are & There We Go: Teaching & Traveling with Kids in Tow by Jill Dobbe
4. The Last Romanov by Nicholas Mercado


Bout of Books

August 19th-25th is also the time for the Bout of Books 8.0 Readathon. I enjoyed the last Bout of Books and you know I’m a sucker for readathons, they are the motivation I need to get back to reading. Here’s more info about the Bout of Books:

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, August 19th and runs through Sunday, August 25th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 8.0 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. – From the Bout of Books team.

After all these reading challenges and readathons, I’m going to need a Sit Down and Write Write-a-thon being hosted by Michelle of Stories Inside which will hopefully be at the end of August.

Are you participating in either of these events? Do you enjoy reading challenges and readathons? Happy reading!

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  1. Best of luck to you Tanya, in your events! I’m currently in three (including ARC August) and plan on joining Bout Of Books as well! Stop by and see what I’m up to and lets cheer each other on! 🙂

  2. I luv readathons and challenges!
    It’s like the permission I need to get into the books 😉
    and def is motivating for me… EnJoy whatever ones you choose to read and HapPy with whatever your result – it will be greater than not joining , I’m pretty sure !

  3. I’ve never done a reading challenge! I might do one if there is one when school is back in session. It does sound like it would be fun! (and I haven’t read any of the books you’ll be reading. I can’t wait to see what you thought about them!! –Lisa

    1. Oh yes, I hope you do a reading challenge or readathon! The challenges normally last for a period of time and have a specific type of book to read (like reading the author copies in August), whereas the readathon is just reading as much as you can in that week, or more than you normally do. The readathons sometimes have genres but the Bout of Books readathon this month is whatever you want to read. It’s a great way to meet other book lovers! There are lots around the blogosphere so I hope you stay tuned and join one with me 🙂

    1. I hope so Octavia! Glad I can partake in both fun events. Thanks for hosting the ARC august challenge, I have been needing to get these ARC’s done and you gave me the perfect motivation to get going!

    1. yep, I’m a readathon and a reading challenge addict as you know! I love Bout of Books also, one of my fave events! Glad you’ve signed up too!

  4. I’ve never done a reading challenge before but I’m always reading something. There’s always lots of free books to be downloaded on my Kindle from Amazon. Good luck with the challenge.

    1. I never did a reading challenge before this year. I have been enjoying them though and love discussing good books with the other participants. It gives me a different way to select books and introduces me to genres/authors I might not have otherwise read. Hope you’re enjoying your free Kindle reading 🙂

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