Blogaversary Winner Announced and It’s Monday what are You Reading? April 22, 2013
First and foremost, thanks to everyone who entered my first blogaversary giveaway for the $20 Amazon Gift Card. My small way to say thanks to new and old subscribers who support my blog. And with, no further ado, the winner is…Angela L.!!
Angela has 48 hours to respond to the email I sent out this morning to her and hope I brightened her morning a little by the good news!
As for my usual, It’s Monday, What are you Reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey to recap what I finished reading last week, what I am currently reading and other book-related news. Bloggers link up their lists and it’s a great way to get new book recommendations, discuss our thoughts on the books we’ve read and meet new bloggers. It’s a great start to the week.
Last week I Finished
Wicked by Gregory Maguire. Yay! I finished Wicked just in time for my book club meeting this week. The story ended well for me so although this book had parts that shocked and awed me, and parts that bored me, overall I liked it. Full review coming soon.
This Week I’m Reading
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott on audiobook for my Classics Club, 2013 Back to the Classics Reading Challenge children’s literature selection and April Monthly Keyword Reading Challenge. I am really enjoying this story, the tight-knit relationship between the sisters despite their little cat fights and their story of growing up in a simpler time. Lots of memorable quotes in this book I’d like to keep to remind me of the important lessons in life as a woman and mother. I have a feeling it will be one of my favorites. Click here to visit my Reading Challenges page that gives an overview of the challenges I’m participating in and what I’ve completed so far.
Interview with a Vampire for the Spring into Horror Read-a-thon that began yesterday. Although only one horror, mystery/thriller, or scary book is required this week, I am going with this classic vampire story as read-a-thon host Michelle says Anne Rice is her favorite author. I started reading a little the other day, and it hooked me from the very start.
Well, enough about me, what about you? What are your favorite horror, scary or mystery/thriller novels? What are you reading this week? I’d love to hear from you! As always, happy reading!
Congrats to the winner! I hope you will enjoy reading Interview with the Vampire. I wanted too as well (a while ago) but I’m such a scaredy cat 🙂
Congrats to Angela!
I’m a big Stephen King fan when talking horror, but in general, I don’t read horror.
Even though it’s Thursday, I’m reading Tigers in Red Weather! (I got a little behind checking people’s blogs while prepping for the Weekday Read-a-thon!)
Just finished reading Knots and Crosses and started Haunted Ground.
Glad you enjoyed Wicked and are enjoying Little Women – I liked both of them as well.
I don’t actually read much horror anymore, but that used to be all I read when I was in my teens and early 20’s – lots of Stephen King and Dean Koontz. The Dark Half is one of my favorite Stephen King horror novels, about a writer.
Enjoy your books this week!
Great Books for Kids and Teens
Book By Book
Congratulations to Angela! I loved “Interview With a Vampire”. It was like nothing I’d ever read at that time! I’m just starting “The Sandcastle Girls” by Chris Bohjalian. I love him! –Lisa
Congrats to Angela L.!
I remember Interview with a Vampire being a favourite movie back in the day, I should try to read it. Enjoy
Congrats Angela! 🙂
Oh it is has been forever since I read Interview with a Vampire! One of my favs!
Have a good time with your book club. Glad you enjoyed the book, that’s a good start.
I enjoyed Little Women and I read another book by Anne Rice, The Vampire Lestat. It was OK for me, hope you like it better. Have a good week!
Sigh…Little Women 🙂 Such a lovely book. I hope you enjoy Interview with a Vampire. I read that when I was a teenager and I fell in love with it!
Have a great week!
Yep, Anne Rice is great with the ‘hooking’ and the ‘shocking’, lol. I keep meaning to read that new title she brought out last year, but her novels are so dark… Have you see’The Vampire Lestat’ movie – it would make a great end-of-fest addition! 🙂
Congrats to the winner! Your upcoming week looks good…enjoy!