
Books to Reread for Fun, Productivity and Decluttering

The best books to reread for fun, productivity and decluttering motivation. These books need a spot in your personal library.

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I’ve been on a mission this year to only own books I love. At the beginning of the year, I counted 260 unread books and that realization brought me a lot of guilt. I only want to keep the books that bring me joy, the ones I would want to reread over and over and pass along as recommendations to friends, family and anyone that asked.

The books I actually finish I usually borrow from the library on my Kindle or audiobook. While I love my Kindle and listening to audiobooks, those books are out of sight and out of mind. They may have had a significant impact on me but I may not necessarily remember it’s there. As David Allen says in Getting Things Done, “your brain is for having ideas, not storing them.”

I think owning a physical copy of a book on your bookshelf serves as a visual cue so that every time you walk by and see the title, it triggers a memory of what you experienced or learned. And depending on what’s going on during your life at that moment, it can bring visually ignite something different in you when you see the book on your bookshelf.

And if you’re like me, you’ll want to pick it up and reread it to see how you can experience and learn from it in new and relevant ways depending on your season of life.

Ok so now on to the list of the best books to reread and own in your personal library. From my library to yours…

Best Productivity Books to Reread

I read a lot about productivity and time management. You might say I obsess over it. And I didn’t realize that like author Tiago Forte of Building a Second Brain, until I read his words, that I too became obsessed with productivity as a way to cope with my chronic illness.

After my diagnosis as a young working mom, I needed a way to maximize how much I got done on my good days so that I could truly rest and recover on my bad days. At the time, I didn’t really know what triggered my bad days.

And although I understand my chronic illness more now, I’m still obsessed with getting as much done as I can so I can have more fun doing the things I want to do.

Here are the productivity reads I bought for my personal library, have reread and will reread so I can take action on them.

Books to Reread for Fun (and for Book Clubs)

I think books worth rereading are also the ones that would make the best book club books because you can find something new and interesting in the reread that you might have missed before. So here are some of my favorite books to read for fun or for your next book club meeting. Coincidentally, these all would make great books for your fall reading list with their hints of magic and mystery!!

Printable Book Club Discussion Questions

You can grab my free printable book club discussion questions when you subscribe to my weekly bookish newsletter where I share more bookish discussions, what I’m reading and what’s going on in the bookish community to motivate you to have more fun reading.

Classic Books to Reread

Here are my favorite books from my classics collection that have a permanent fixture in my personal library (aka my bookshelves of joy) and will reread!

  • Count of Monte Cristo – My favorite classic of all time. I have read it twice so far. Romance, adventure, intrigue, and even though it’s a classic, the language is easily understandable, relatable and readable. At least the Barnes and Noble version I have is. I gave it to my son to read and will recommend to anyone!
  • Jane Eyre – I read (or was supposed to read Jane Eyre in high school) and didn’t care much for it. When I listened to it on audio last year, I enjoyed it much more and bought it for my classics collection.
  • Little Women – I listened to Little Women on audio back when I was a full time working mom with 3 little rambunctious boys. I would listen to it on my commute to and from work and remember marveling at Marmee, the mother of the March family. I remember wanting to be that kind of mom, compassionate and encouraging without helicopter parenting my kids from making their own mistakes and choosing their own paths. It’s a book I bought as part of my Classics shelf and look forward to rereading it.

Books to Reread for Motivation to Declutter My Home

Decluttering is a constant struggle for me. So every year when the kids go back to school I start to go all in to declutter my home. Here are the books I reread or listen to to reignite my motivation to declutter. There are always new decluttering tips to learn during different seasons of life so listening to these on audio while decluttering is super motivating.

Free Reading Challenge Tracker

Want to Travel the World in Books or create your own reading challenge to motivate yourself to read more? I have a free reading challenges tracker printable you can download from my Exclusive Subscribers Library of printables when you subscribe to my weekly bookish newsletter. You can use it for this year and years to come! Then I update you weekly with what I’m reading and more bookish news and discussions, it’s like a no pressure book club chat between you and me.

Want to challenge yourself to read more but think the current reading challenges you find are too restrictive? Subscribe to my newsletter and I'll send you bookish news, deals, discussions and reviews of my favorite books as I travel the world in books, read like Rory Gilmore and complete various reading challenges. Plus when you subscribe you also get: my free Reading Challenge Ideas Workbook and Checklist so you can create your own reading challenge that will inspire and motivate you to read more, pursue your goals and definitely have more fun! AND access to my free Exclusive Subscriber Library with even more bookish printables! Sign up now and let's start chatting about great reads together!


  1. I love reading books about productivity/organization/decluttering as well and I also have a chronic illness (type 1 diabetes). I never even considered that my interest in those subjects could be related to the fact that my energy/stamina is limited by my health challenges. Interesting! Anyway, thanks for these suggestions. I’m definitely going to give some of them a go.

    Happy TTT!


    1. Hi Susan, Thanks for stopping by. I’m sorry you also deal with an autoimmune disease. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and one of my best friends has Type 1 diabetes. It’s very interesting how our immune systems and conditions are similar though different parts of our bodies are attacked. I didn’t put it together either until the author mentioned it but it’s so true!

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