Danna Pycher

From Goodreads: Hello All,

I am happy to be a part of this reading community. As the author of 3rd Generation and Beyond I made a commitment to Holocaust education and character building for schools. I speak at schools and events in hopes of inspiring the next generations to know how important standing up for what is right is.

I look forward to hearing your feedback and sharing my book reviews with you. I am also a clinical hypnotherapist at By This Time Coaching. http://www.bttcoaching.com

Let’s connect!



Inspiring Life Lessons in 3rd Generation and Beyond by Danna Pycher

Synopsis from Goodreads: “Yesterday’s lessons, for tomorrow’s future…” 3rd Generation and Beyond is a book of powerful life philosophies according to a Third Generation Holocaust descendant. Each chapter gives a little more insight into how we, as individuals, can empower ourselves and the world around us. Back of book: By this time, you would think…