Bout of Books Readathon Goals & Wrap Up
The Bout of Books Readathon is coming up August 19th-25th, are you ready? I am! I enjoyed the last Bout of Books and you know I’m a sucker for readathons, they are the motivation I need to get keep on reading. Here’s more info about the Bout of Books:
The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, August 19th and runs through Sunday, August 25th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 8.0 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. – From the Bout of Books team.
After all these reading challenges and readathons, I’m going to need a Sit Down and Write Write-a-thon being hosted by Michelle of Stories Inside which is scheduled for August 26-September 8.
* Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley (in-person book club)
* Morning Light by Holland Kane (ARC August reading challenge)
* Monsoon Memories by Renita D’Silva (ARC August reading challenge)
* Here We Are and There We Go by Jill Dobbe (ARC August reading challenge)
* Twitter chats, of course!
* Continue updating book reviews in UBB plugin
I normally read/listen 1-2 hours per day so ultimately during readathons I try to go for 3-4 hours/day. Let’s do this!
Monday – I listened to Sweetness for about 15 minutes, read 4% of Morning Light and completed both mini challenges, they were fun ones today and for great prizes.
Bookish Bucket List Challenge: Shared a wee bit of my bookish bucket list with Sarah Says Read to finish the children’s book that Superhubby and I started when my oldest son was born and to read Harry Potter. Also, don’t forget to visit Allison and Rebecca for their bookish bucket lists that started it all, Top 50 Bookish Things to do before you Die. What’s on your bookish bucket list?
Pairathon Challenge: Shared my book/snack/beverage of choice pairing with Book Pairing. I paired “Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie” to the homemade chocolate chip cookie cake from Superhubby’s birthday (click here if you want to see a peek of the cake I made) and a cold glass of milk. What are you reading/snacking on/drinking today?
Friday update: Finished Morning Light and 85 pages through The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie.
Wrap Up: I completed the Bookish Mad Libs mini-challenge which was fun. Made it through 167 pages of Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie. We had an unexpected trip for my youngest so I spent much of last week cleaning out the garage instead of reading. Overall, it was a productive week! Now it’s on to writing with the Review-a-thon hosted by the Book Monsters and Sit Down & Write, hosted by The True Book Addict.
Are you participating in the Bout of Books? Do you enjoy reading challenges and readathons? How much do you read on average? Happy reading!
I’m loving the challenges and all the chatting on twitter. I’m getting a good amount of reading done too. I may have to join that write-a-thon too with all the reviews stacking up!
I know what you mean Kristen, it will nice to be catch up on writing unwritten reviews and getting current reviews updated for the UBB plugin. It will take me longer than a week though. Hope you join in!
I haven’t made it to a Twitter chat yet, I guess there is only one left. Glad to hear your bout of books is going well!
Good luck, Tanya, with all of your goals! I’m keeping my list general this week, just reading a lot and doing the challenges as I see fit! 🙂
Thanks so much for the shout out! For anyone who is interested in making their own bucket list, I recommend linking it up here and checking out some of the other lists for inspiration!
Hmm, following up a read-a-thon with a write-a-thon. Convenient timing, that. Good luck with both!
Good luck with your goals Tanya! I hope to see you at the twitter chats. Happy reading! 🙂
Good luck with your goals. Enjoy your Bout of Books!
Good luck with your goals! And thanks for mentioning Sit Down and Write. So glad you’re joining us again. 🙂
Hey! Some awesome goals you got there. This will be my first bout of books readathon. So excited. I can read an average of 600 pages a day. Like 2 books in a day. D:
I hope I can do well in this readathon. Good Luck to us all. (:
Thanks for stopping by my blog. (:
Hallo, Hallo Tanya!
I am making my way around the Bout’er blogs ahead of the Bout’s start, when I came across yours via A Cup of Coffee & A Book (Ner) blog!? I thought I’d drop by!! The best part of the Bout, aside from selecting our individual goals {mine is to read 10 itching to read books that caught my eye yet I haven’t ever had the proper chance to read!}, is the conversing with other readers + Bout’ers during the week!! I love the whole wicked sweet excitement of discovering new blogs + seeing what everyone else loves to read! Its a great community event in the blogosphere, and I am ever so thankful I launched my blog 11 days ago in order to participate!! 🙂
Eek as the hours tick down to the Bout, I am more and more anxious and excited!! 🙂
I have heard positive things about “The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie” and even, elected that one day I’d like to read it myself,… I will look forward to your musings about it!! And, I will continue to drop by as the Bout proceeds!
*I attempted to put my Bout Goals as a link, but it wouldn’t let me change it, so instead its the post where I found out (rather happily!) that I am “addicted to reading challenges!” Laughs madly!
I like how you’re trying to increase your daily reading amount for the read-a-thon. I’m thinking I might need to give myself a time goal as well.
Good luck. I will be following your progress.
I giggled at your last goal..I am doing that daily. I have over 900 posts to enter and try to do at least 5 a day, I also have to tweak the format of each and add the photo so it appears on my landing page correctly..LOL but I do love the UBB plugin! Good luck my friend
Wow, 900 posts! I don’t have nearly as many but it’s still taking me time to get through. Wish I could devote more time to my blog, but it’s take it week by week here. I am having trouble with the cover photo appearing properly on the home page of excerpts too. Btw, I LOVE your new blog design. I am looking for a new theme that is more user friendly. While I can customize this free one, I still don’t know how to do a lot to get it the way I want. Oh we’ll, always something to work on, good thing full Bloggiesta is coming up soon too!
I want to read this series: Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley
Thanks for stopping by and good luck with the Bout!
I’m participating and I’m really looking forward to it. I have a lot of stuff I need to complete before school starts so this is perfect timing. Good luck!
Good luck with your goals!Really excited to be a part of this!And thanks for stopping by my read a thon post!!!
Elena @ Book Lady’s Reviews
Thanks Elena. Good luck to you too, hope you get lots of wonderful reading done!
It looks like you have a lot of great books on your list! I want to get into those Flavia de Luce mysteries soon myself, but I just haven’t had time with everything else to read! haha! 😉 I love read-a-thons because they encourage me to up the ante and it’s fun to know everyone is trying to reach their goals together! Happy reading!! xoxo
I imagine the Game of Thrones series keeps you quite busy. I am enjoying Flavia’s story so far, the youngest of 3 sisters, I see a lot of the spunk and feistiness of my youngest son (of 3 boys) in her. I just hope when he’s 10, he doesn’t use his chemistry knowledge to exact revenge on his brothers like Flavia is planning on. It’s a fun, easy read so far.
Good luck with your goals for BoB 8.0! I recently went back and updated my really old reviews with the UBB plugin, but need to finish up my more recent ones since changing the formatting a little bit after upgrading the plugin. SUCH a daunting task!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
I’m joining in for the first time! I just finished taking some pictures of my stack that I hope to complete. So excited for this one (and I cannot wait for Michelle’s writing one to follow)!!
I love the idea of a Sit-down-and-write writeathon! I might have to check that one out. Look forward to hearing how the ARCs go!
I normally read around 3-4 hours when reading at night. I will try to reach 5 hours on the Bout of Books week though 😛
Good luck with your read-a-thon week 😉
And thank you for stopping by my blog ^_^
XX Ner
I read an hour a day minimum…but sometimes much more than that. It just depends on the day. (And when I’m on vacation, the sky’s the limit!!) I’ve got so many books in my “to read” list right now, I wish I had more time! I’ll have a better chance of getting some reading time in when school starts for my kids next week! Have fun with your readathon!!
I’m participating in BoB as well 🙂 It’s my first time, I’m pretty darn excited. I haven’t thought about my goals though, hmmm.
yay! Glad you’re getting to your first BoB, of course you know what a fan I am of readathons! I just visited Felicia at the Geeky Bloggers Book Blog and she kept it simple, read what she wants, as much as she can and have fun! Can’t get better than that!
Enjoy Jennifer and I look forward to seeing what you read or should I say, what books you devour…you’re such a fast reader!