Living with Chronic Illness

Take the Helm: A Small Victories Journal featuring Steamboat Minnie
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Take the Helm: A Small Victories Journal featuring Steamboat Minnie

A unique, hand illustrated small victories journal that will inspire, empower and encourage you to record your wins even on your low energy days. Note: This post contains affiliate links. Purchases from these links may  provide a small commission to me at no extra cost to you. In addition, I am not a medical professional…

20 soccer mom gift ideas and free game day checklist. image features a mom with shoulder length red hair lying on her stomach in the grass smiling holding a soccer ball with two little boys on her back smiling.
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20 Perfect Soccer Mom Gift Ideas for Passionate (or Crazy) Soccer Moms

20 perfect soccer mom gift ideas for passionate soccer moms to flaunt their pride and style while cheering on their superstars Note: This post contains affiliate links as indicated by an asterisk. Purchases from these links provides a small commission to me at no extra cost to you. I never thought I’d say it but…I’m…

My 2023 Planner In Notion to Be More Productive in Life Despite Little Energy
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My 2023 Planner In Notion to Be More Productive in Life Despite Little Energy

My 2023 planner in Notion combines elements from the best planners so you can be more productive in life despite low energy. My current 2023 planner calendar and life organizer is all in Notion, a very powerful digital database and information storage tool. My Notion 2023 planner contains: my life planner, my energy tracker, my…

35 Gifts for Someone with Rheumatoid Arthritis To Help Them Cope with Daily Life
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35 Gifts for Someone with Rheumatoid Arthritis To Help Them Cope with Daily Life

35 thoughtful gifts for someone with Rheumatoid Arthritis to help them cope with the stress and pain of daily living with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis or other joint or mobility problems can be a real challenge. Seemingly simple tasks are suddenly painful, frustrating or downright impossible. Luckily, there are plenty of great products…

4 Mindset Resources for Moms to Reduce Stress and Lead a More Positive Life
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4 Mindset Resources for Moms to Reduce Stress and Lead a More Positive Life

These are the 4 best mindset resources for moms and online entrepreneurs to beat negative self talk, stress less and coach yourself to have a more positive outlook on life. Note: I received the books listed below for free from the author or publisher as a gift or for review consideration. Opinions expressed are purely…