momssmallvictories 2014 personal goals

February 2014 Personal Goals #2014Goals

momssmallvictories 2014 personal goals

January was a good month where I focused a lot of time on my health goals. Now I’d like to tell you about my February 2014 personal goals and let’s hope I can keep up the accountability and motivation to achieve my overall 2014 goals…one small victory at a time!

1. Make exercise a priority, 4 times a week.
2. Floss, everyday…because Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) impacts my gums, I can’t afford to slack anymore!
3. Achieve my goal for ideal weight, the one my joints feel the best at. As of today, about 7 5 to lose – avoid sugar!
4. Track food, sleep, exercise and RA symptoms to better understand if there is a connection to foods I eat and RA. I know weather, hormones and stress impact my body already.
5. Drink more water, at least 64 ounces a day.

Home Organization
6. Tackling the kitchen first. This month I’d like to get my recipes organized, both the gazillions I’ve clipped from magazines, cookbooks and online. I’m considering using Evernote or Evernote Food. What are your favorite recipe organizing tools?
7. Since I want to file my taxes this month, I also need to catch up on filing and printing receipts for our tax return.

Family Fun
8. Visit a museum in our area.
9. Use 1 of the attractions coupons from our area coupon book (museums, Little Theatre, local college and minor league sports).

10. Accomplish 2 items from my 50 Bookish Things to do Before I Die list.
11. Read 2 books I own.
12. Read 25 books with my kids.

13. Write more often and consistently – 30 minutes everyday.
14. Share more recipes!
15. Start a new series.

16. Save $300 towards my $1000 annual goal in groceries (last month I saved $248 so I’d like to surpass it!)
17. Stay within our budget.
18. Stay debt-free (besides mortgage).
19. Finish our family tax return.

What are your February personal goals? Share with me the tools that help you get organized or save you money! Be sure to link up your goals posts or achievements in the linky below. Thanks Tammy at Creative K Kids for sharing this linky and inspiring us to reach our small victory at a time!

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  1. You just had to mention taxes didn’t you? I really need to get that done. It’s not so much that I hate doing it, I’m just always really nervous that I’ll do something wrong.
    Glad you commented on my site and that through that I found out about yours. You’ve got a lot of great stuff here! I’m going to go poke around some more!

  2. I really am working to get back into working out, at least 4 days a week, if not 5. I really, really need to!

    I use Evernote to organize a lot in my life. I do have a recipe notebook, but it is far from all the recipes I have. If you figure out how to organize your recipes, please share!!

    1. I certainly will share what I learn about organizing recipes. I have saved a couple of my clipped recipes in Evernote and what I like is I can put several tags on it like beverage, RA, slow cooker and vegetables for this RA tea recipe I have had for 10 years, never made and keep losing. Often in my paper binders, I cant get to that level of detail. We will see how it goes.

      Hope you are able to reach your exercise goal. I over did it on tuesday when I exercised for 50 minutes so had to take yesterday off. Today was cleaning bathrooms and kitchen so that is exercise in itself!!

  3. It’s awesome that you saved that much on your groceries last month! I also plan to at least start my taxes this month, but I absolutely hate doing them:(

  4. We have a lot of the same goals. This time of year in 2011 I lost 20 pounds. I’m sad to report that it’s back now and losing it this time has been harder for some reason.

  5. Have you ever heard of the 21 Day Sugar Detox? It changed my life! It’s really close to the Paleo diet and after completing the detox, I now eat Paleo. Cutting sugar has been the ONLY thing that worked with my debilitating back pain. As an added bonus, I have also lost 25 lbs!

  6. When we had a Windows PC, I organzied all of our recipes in a program called Cook’n. It’s fantastic! We switched to Linux systems and I haven’t found a suitable replacement.

    As for print and magazine recipes, I have them in two binders. One for our well loved recipes and the other has everything else from one off recipes to those we haven’t tried yet. They both need some major overhauling but it works for now.

  7. I really like your writing goal! Can I steal it? I think I would shoot for 15 minutes at first and then add on later. I’m not.good at recipe organization. I love my cookbooks and I have lots of scraps all over the place of things that I want to try but never do. Maybe I should work on that too. 🙂

  8. Wow, that is a really detailed list of goals.Way more detailed then mine where for the start of the year. Maybe I should start making my goals that detailed.

    Like Savvy Working Gal mentioned, I have my recipes in binders, at least the ones that I have pulled out of magazines. But they are not nearly as organized as her husbands. 🙂

    I look forward to checking back in at the end of the month to see how you do.

  9. I only have 1 goal for this February…to finish things that I have had a good start to but never completed. These include a few little sewing projects, a few books, blog post, family movie DVD editing. I have a knack for leaving things undone. I am calling it Finish-it February

  10. I am impressed with your list of goals. It will be interesting to see what you learn about your RA. I was reading an article on goals last night and learned only 8% of the general population can identify clear goals and only 3% ever actually write them down.

    I did pretty good with my goals last month and added a new one – try one new thing a week. That might be my favorite goal of all.

    My husband is laid-off from his job for the winter and has been cleaning and organizing our home. He also organized his recipes. He put them in binders. He tells me it took 24 hours and he has 17 different categories. It would have taken me a year to do this and most likely would have gotten tired of my dining room table being a mess and scraped the project mid-way.

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