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Health Goals Weekly Update February 21, 2014 #12MonthstoAHealthierYou #BookBlogWalkers


After publishing my February 2014 health goals, I found that Money Saving Mom and the Geeky Bloggers Book Blog were hosting fitness challenges with weekly check-ins to help keep us accountable and motivated. They each have linkies where we can post our goals and updates to support one another in achieving our exercise goals…one small victory at a time!

Crystal from Money Saving Mom is challenging us to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables this month in her 12 Months to a Healthier You challenge.

12 months to a healthier you


I’ve done better this week with eating more fruits and veggies, adding blueberries or bananas to cereal. I’ve been doing well eating more salads too this week, incorporating leftover homemade chicken nuggets into a Chicken Ceasar Salad with Strawberries for lunch yesterday and into a Barbecue Chicken French Bread Pizza with a hefty side salad for dinner today.

chicken ceasar salad with strawberries

barbecue chicken french bread pizza


Felicia from The Geeky Bloggers Book Blog is continuing to host her Book Blog Walkers challenging us to walk (or do some form of exercise) for 30 minutes a day. My goal is to exercise 4-5 times a week.

book blog walkers 2014

Update: I failed miserably in my exercising goals this week. My two younger sons starting swim lessons threw off the routine I had just fallen into. Time to rearrange my schedule. Exercising time is also my reading time and I am missing both!

Saturday, February 15: nothing, I was working on taxes all day long.
Sunday, February 16: nothing, more taxes.
Monday, February 17: nothing unless you count trying to wrestle Daredevil into his swim class.
Tuesday, February 18: 40 minutes on stationary bike, 418 calories burned, 8 miles
Wednesday, February 19: nothing, ahhh!
Thursday, February 20: played with Daredevil at the playground, not as much exercise for me, but more fun and somehow still tiring. It was a beautiful day!
Friday, February 21: nothing planned, doc appointments today and catching up on cleaning will wear me out.

It’s not too late to join in getting some extra exercise and healthy fruits and veggies into your day. Visit these wonderful bloggers and the participants who have linked up to get that boost of motivation you need to accomplish your exercise goals.

How did you do with your exercise goals this week? How are you doing with your healthy eating goals? Share your thoughts and what works for you!

momssmallvictories signature






  1. I have failed at my exercise goals for the month. We have been really busy with the end of basketball season (my husband coaches). I am keeping my same goals for March and hoping that a slower schedule will help.

  2. It’s hard when our crazy schedules get in the way of our exercise plans but you did great eating more fruit and vegetables! I hope things calm down a little bit so you can devote some time for yourself (even if its not exercising!). Have a great week!

  3. Congrats on eating so well! Those meals do look yummy. My schedule also got turned around this week and it made it hard to get my workouts in. Routine really is so important and when you lose it, things like workouts seem to fall by the wayside. Good luck getting it back this week!

  4. I did really well on my eating this week…but GAH I have not done well with exercising. I *have* been better in getting my daily steps up (I have a FitBit so I keep track of this) by purposefully taking the stairs or parking father away from a store, etc. What I really need to work on this week is getting enough sleep. I think my workouts have been lame because I’m just so exhausted…and when I looked at my sleeping, I realized that I have not been getting anywhere near enough this week!
    Hope you are able to get your exercising time back on track!! –Lisa

    1. Good job with the healthy eating. What is a fitbit? Is it a pedometer? Sorry you haven’t been getting enough sleep. Between reading and blogging, I am getting to bed later every night too which makes me even grumpier in the morning than I already am. Not pretty. What are you reading now Lisa? Hope its a good one!

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