It’s Monday, What Are You Reading? April 15, 2013
It’s Monday, What are you Reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey to recap what I finished reading last week, what I am currently reading and other book-related news. Bloggers link up their lists and it’s a great way to get new book recommendations, discuss our thoughts on the books we’ve read and meet new bloggers. It’s a great start to the week.
Last week I Finished
It was a busy week at work and home so didn’t get much blogging or reading done. I did participate in the Ultimate Blog Party Google+ hangout. I have never done a hangout before and it was really neat watching the presenters in real time, unfortunately, the comment feed stopped working so we could not interact with them after awhile. They gave away some cool prizes though and met some new bloggers and a Blogging Basics 101, a great blogging resource for new and intermediate bloggers.

I also announced my First Blogaversary and Amazon Gift Card Giveaway! I’m so excited to giveaway the gift card as a way to say thanks for celebrating my year in books, recipes and small victories to new and old readers. Make sure to enter my Rafflecopter giveaway below!
This Week I’m Reading
Wicked by Gregory Maguire. Yes, I am STILL reading Wicked. This book has me on a roller-coaster of interest for sure, between the parts that drag and then the parts where I can’t put it down. I can’t add much without giving away the story and really wondering how this book will end. I have about 150 pages to go, let’s hope I can knock it out this week!
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott on audiobook for my Classics Club, 2013 Back to the Classics Reading Challenge children’s literature selection and April Monthly Keyword Reading Challenge. I am really enjoying this story, the tight-knit relationship between the sisters despite their little cat fights and their story of growing up in a simpler time. Lots of memorable quotes in this book I’d like to keep to remind me of the important lessons in life as a woman and mother. I have a feeling it will be one of my favorites. Click here to visit my Reading Challenges page that gives an overview of the challenges I’m participating in and what I’ve completed so far.
Well, enough about me, what about you? Have you ever participated in a Google+ hangout? What Google+ communities do you enjoy? Have you read Wicked or Little Women? What are you reading this week? I’d love to hear from you! As always, happy reading and don’t forget to enter my Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!
Yesterday I finished The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult which was sooooo amazing!!! It really blew my mind: powerful and gripping for sure!
I’m not a fan of The Wizard of Oz but adored Wicked. I am a huge fan of Elpheba. LOL!
Enjoy Little Women! It never grows old.
Happy Blogaversary! It’s so fun to look back over a year of books and posts. 🙂
I didn’t love Wicked, but I know a lot of people really enjoyed it. I hope you speed through the last few pages!
I have a copy of LIttle Women that is so old the photos are actually painted into the book and I’m afraid to read it! I need to one of these days, though. I read it as a teenager but don’t really remember much about it. I just finished Salvage the Bones, which was heart wrenchingly good!
How beautiful that old book must be with painted photos, I’d be scared to read it too. Heart wrenchingly good like Sarah’s Key? Is that your World Book Night book? Glad you enjoyed it.
Happy Anniversary to you, mine is coming up in June. Right now, I’m reading fitness journals because I have to renew my certification.
Thanks Frugal Exerciser, congrats on your upcoming anniversary and renewing your certification! Thanks so much for stopping by!
Happy Blogiversary!! How awesome! And what a generous way to celebrate it – thanks! I’m reading The Best of Us by Sarah Pekkanen and I am loving it! Such a good book! I keep sneak reading it at work 😉
You’re welcome Nadia. I have heard great things about The Best of Us. I am going to have to check it out! Thanks for the recommendation and hope you don’t get caught sneak reading! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with me.
Can’t wait until my girls are old enough for Little Women! I love it and need to read it again. :)-The Dose Girls
I tried reading it as a kid and didn’t really like to read so didn’t finish it. Glad I gave it another chance, and hope your girls enjoy it too.
I just gave up reading JK Rowlings latest book, The Casual Vacancy. I just couldn’t get in to it. Right now I am without a good book to read…
Sorry to hear you didn’t enjoy The Casual Vacancy. Without a good book to read? Oh no! 🙂 What do you like? Have you read Sarah’s Key? That’s a book I recently read, heartbreaking but wonderful. Well hope you find a good book soon and time to read it with your busy life! 🙂 Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Hi, Tanya –
Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday and taking the time to comment. It looks like we have even more in common than just books, blogs, and sons – I am also living with a chronic immune system illness. I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), a serious immune system disorder with a ridiculous name! Both of my sons have it also. Besides my two book blogs, I also write a CFS blog. Looks like you are in better shape than I, if you are able to work – that is great! – but I’m sure we live with many of the same sorts of challenges. I look forward to getting to know you better.
Oh, and I read Wicked a few summers ago – took me a long time to finish, too, but I enjoyed it! Have you seen the Broadway show? Fabulous. And I reread Little Women last year and liked it as much as when I was a teen!
Great Books for Kids and Teens
Book By Book
Live with CFS
Hi Sue, well I’m glad we have a lot in common but sorry one of them is an immune system disorder and both your sons have it too. I didn’t realize that CFS was an immune disorder. I applaud your efforts to cope/raise awareness with a CFS blog and two book blogs! Wow! I can hardly keep up with one! Working is definitely a challenge as my hands are getting worse and it’s just draining being at work all day. I have little energy by the end of the workday but I’m squeaking through one day at a time.
I have not seen the Wicked musical but I’d like to. I’d heard the musical was good so wanted to read the book but I hear they are very different. Maybe it’ll come again to our town so my book club can see the musical together, thatd be a fun Girls Night Out!
Thanks so much for visiting and finding so much in common with me. I look forward to staying in touch with you on our blogs!
Congrats on celebrating your first blogoversary!
I recently participated in my first google hangout with author Jenn J McLeod (you can view it on my site) it was pretty nerve racking!
Have a great reading week
Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out
Haven’t read Wicked, but Little Women has always been one of my favorites. Thanks for visiting my blog, and happy reading this week!
I stopped reading Little Women when I was little because it got so sad. I haven’t ever tried it again, even though I keep saying I’m going to. Maybe next winter! Winter is my time for classics. I need light and fun when then sun is shining. Happy blogoversary! Enjoy your week!
Hi there Tanya, I know what you mean about Wicked. I had to plod through the last few chapters myself when I read it a few years back. I watched the play at The Orpheum Theatre in San Francisco and was blown away – the book however, failed to captivate me as much. Which is strange, because oftentimes the book should be better than the adaptation (whether film or theatre). Enjoy the rest of your reading week!
What made me happy this week was that I learned I will be moving up with my gifted 4th grade readers to the 5th/6th grade building in our district and so will have them for the next 2 years! I was happy that they were happy, too! 🙂 I have too many favorite books/authors to choose!
Congratulations on one year of blogging! That’s a great accomplishment! If it makes you feel any better I’ve been reading one of my books for about as long as you’ve been reading Wicked. Some books just aren’t fast reads I guess. I love Little Women. One of my favorite stories growing up and one of my favorite still. I hope you love it as much as I did/do. 🙂
I’ve never read either of these although Wicked does sound like something I’d enjoy. I don’t do much on my Google+ account hangout, etc. So I probably wouldn’t have a clue how to go about joining something like that. Congrats on your Blogovesary (not sure if I spelled that right). Thanks for the awesome giveaway.
Little women is a great book, I really love that one! I hope you have a great reading week.
Kind regards,
Happy Blogoversary!!! Keep up the good work.
I never read Little Woman though I heard about it. Have a great week!!
Congrats on your blogaversary! I read Little Women a long time ago when I was young and I think before I could appreciate it. I plan to reread it one day.
Congrats on your blogaversary! I read Little Women a long time ago when I was young and I think before I could appreciate it. I plan to reread it one day.
What made me happy this week? Having a full conversation with my son who has a speech delay. It’s amazing to see how far he has come and to watch the problem melt away. I don’t think I could pick just one favourite book but I have always loved In the Skin of a Lion by Michael Ondaatje.
Thank you Tanya for stopping by my blog. I just love Little Women, I read it as a young girl and can still remember it, such happy memories so I hope you enjoy it also.
Happy blogoversary!!! I’m reading 1Q84 (almost finished) and The World’s Strongest Librarian.
I have too many “favorite authors” I think. :> I really enjoy Sarah Addison Allen as someone who I want to read everything she writes! Happy blogiversary!!
I recently added Little Women to my Kindle in the hopes of reading it again one day soon. It’s been awhile! Enjoy your week in books!
Ooh, I loved Wicked. Great story. And Little Women is also a great one. Loved teaching that to my high school juniors. 🙂
What made me happy this week was getting a new mini iPad:). I actually can’t wait to download a book to read.
I don’t really have a favorite but one that I read a couple of years ago really stands out to me, Uncle Tom’s Cabin!
I haven’t read Little Women in forever but it’s on my classic club list so I will be re-reading it at some point 😉 In fact, I’m pretty sure I have a copy of it on my Kindle 🙂
Have a fantastic week of reading Tanya and congrats again on your blogoversary!!