It’s Monday, What Are You Reading? March 11, 2013
It’s Monday, What are you Reading? Here’s what I finished last week, what I’m currently reading and other book related posts. As usual, linking up with Book Journey today to recap and visit other bloggers to see what’s on their reading lists. Great way to get new book recommendations.
Last week I Finished
On audiobook, I finished listening to The Bedwetter: Stories of Courage, Redemption and Pee, an autobiography narrated by Sarah Silverman. I was right in that I enjoyed her narration of her own book. Her comedic timing and animated voice was enjoyable for the most part. Where I left off last week, I was enjoying the stories about her childhood and college days, but once the story got to her adulthood and her breaking into the comedy standup/TV scene, I was bored and disgusted by the vulgarity. Unfortunately, the last impression is what usually impacts how I like a book so this one ended with a bad taste in my mouth.
This Week I’m Reading
At night, I’m still reading In The Woods by Tana French for the book club hosted by two of my favorite book bloggers, Allison of The Book Wheel and Rebecca of Love at First Book. Set in Ireland, three kids go out to play and only one boy comes home. The boy is unable to describe what happened to his friends, he simply does not know. He changes his name, goes to boarding school and attempts to forget the past. His past catches up to him 20 years later when he is a detective on a murder case in his old hometown. It’s an interesting read so far but hoping something pivotal happens soon, the plot isn’t progressing and the characters are all creepy.
On audiobook, I’m listening to Bitter is the New Black by Jen Lancaster. After reading Here I Go Again by Ms. Lancaster, a fellow blogger recommended her autobiography. Ms. Lancaster describes her have-it-all life, the well-paying job and respect from her colleagues, the doting boyfriend and the name dropping of the designer clothes, shoes and jewelry she wears and the high-end stores where she shops. That is, until she loses her job right after 9/11 and is forced onto unemployment. Suddenly, the Rush Limbaugh supporter finds herself questioning why Mr. Limbaugh opposed extending unemployment benefits coverage. Ms. Lancaster sure could have used extra time to find another job post 9/11. That’s the first change we see in Ms. Lancaster’s attitude and I look forward to seeing whether the self-proclaimed “condescending, egomaniacal, self-centered smartass” learns from her mistakes and grows through the experience of unemployment. It’s a fun entertaining book and certainly makes the dull everyday mom chores of commuting, errands and laundry-folding more enjoyable. I like living vicariously through her workaholic attitude and designer spending habit without working all those hours. Hope it ends as well as it has started.
Other book-related posts from last week:
I’ve been gearing up for a few busy weeks at work and home so haven’t done as much reading/reviewing as usual. I did get my audiobook review of Treasure Island posted.
Well,that’s what I’ve been up to. What are you reading this week? Have you read any of the books in my post? What did you think? Tell me in the comments and let me know. Hope you link up or visit Book Journey too and see what other book bloggers are reading. Happy reading and have a good week!
I can’t wait to hear what you think of In The Woods. I was not happy with the ending but I know a lot of other people ADORE that book.
Thanks for coming by my blog!
Ugh, I was not happy with the ending of In The Woods either! Have you read The Likeness which is the sequel as Cassie’s story continues? I liked Cassie but not sure if I will read it.
I hadn’t heard of any of the ones you read last week or started this week, but that’s disappointing about Sarah Silverman’s book! She does like her dirty jokes though so I’m not too shocked it turned vulgar. Really too bad though! Hopefully you can find some more autobiographies that you like better. My friend liked Chelsea Handler’s books, but I’m guessing hers might be a bit dirty too. 😛 haha I’m planning on reading Russell Brand’s autobiographies, but we’ll see if I find them funny! haha
Happy reading!
Ambur 🙂
Thanks for stopping by Ambur. I listened to a Jen Lancaster autobiography, she’s a blogger and more my cup of tea. I am going to give Bossypants by Tina Fey another try on audiobook and maybe try some musicians’ autobiographies. I didn’t know Russell Brand wrote his biographies, you’ll have to let me know how you like it! Hope you’re enjoying your reading this week!
I keep meaning to check out Tana French as I hear good things about her books.
In the woods sounds like a really creeptastic read, a rainy day type of read. I will be adding it to my list!
Thanks for stopping by my blog, I greatly appreciate it =] I followed you on goodreads, I cant seem to find the google follow button on your blog =/
Hi Sara, I’m a wordpress blog so if you were looking for the Google Friend Connect button then I don’t have one but appreciate the Goodreads follow. You can always follow by email though and I appreciate any way to connect with you! In the Woods is not a quick read but it would be good for rainy days. I’m a little disheartened with the ending after how long it took me to finish it, and trying not to let it dissuade me from the other aspects of the author’s writing style that I loved. Let me know if you give it a try!
Sorry to hear the Sarah Silverman audio ended badly.
Listening to Treasure Island sounds like a great idea. I’ve never read it, and audio can make a classic all the better.
Thanks Jo for sharing your thoughts. Yea, audio didn’t quite work for me with Treasure Island but it is a great way to get immersed in the story. It feels like someone is acting out the book just for me. Hard to top Sissy Spacek’s narration of To Kill a Mockingbird in my opinion but I hope to find more great narrations of the classics. I hear there is a Treasure Island audio narrated by actor Alfred Molina and Christmas Carol audio narrated by Tim Curry. I’ve got to get those!
I don’t know why, but I’ve been disappointed so many times by books written by bloggers. Not enough editing, it seems.
Hi Deb, I think Bitter is the New Black is the first blogger turned author book I’ve read. Ms. Lancaster certainly has an interesting story to tell going from the career-minded woman to the one with barely $5 to her name. I didn’t know what to expect really with the book and I quite enjoyed her sarcastic, dry wit. It certainly didn’t read like a non-fiction and I found her entertaining for the most part. What books did you read by bloggers that disappointed you? Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.
I’ve read several. I would rather not name them, but though they were chatty and easy to read, they lacked the substance I like in books. Just my two cents.
Understandable Deb. In the Woods was a slow, creepy instensity and now I’m reading Sarah’s Key which seems like it will be dramatic and heartbreaking. I kinda need easy lighthearted reads once in awhile to add some levity and humor to my reading 🙂 Thanks for stopping by, look forward to hearing about books you recommend.
I hope your reading picks back up – especially if you want to read more. Mine has gotten slower and slower, almost down to a crawl. 🙂 I can’t seem to read any more than one book a week, and sometimes not even one novel. 😉
Oh well… Sarah Silverman can get a little..raw. Almost like she’s trying to prove she’s just one of the guys. I can get pretty crude, and even I get a little….concerned. LOL.
Have a great week!
Thanks Mardel, I am DETERMINED to finish In the Woods tonight. I think I finally got to the turning point in the story and about 150 pages left on the Kindle version. My reading is sidetracked by more work and family commitments but overall an exhausting but good, productive week. After this weekend, hopefully I can go full throttle and get ready for the Itty Bitty Blogathon and Bloggiesta next weekend!
Yea, I gotta admit I enjoyed Sarah Silverman’s stories more when they involved her girl friends rather than the crude guys she hung out with after college.
I hope your reading picks back up too. Whatever it is that is keeping you from reading, I hope its all fun or relaxing things! Reading is my way to unwind when I don’t have the energy for anything else. Lately, I’ve been so exhausted I crash before getting even 20 pages in!
Thanks for stopping by and hope you return soon!
Thanks for stopping by! Have you listened to Bossypants by Tina Fey? She reads the audio and is hilarious without the garbage mouth. I really like Tana French, but I think she gets better with each book. Faithful Place is my favorite, followed by Broken Harbor. the pacing is kind of slow, but she sure can set a scene so that you feel like you are there.
Thanks Megan, that’s a great idea to get Bossypants on audiobook. I love Tina’s voice as well. I had started to read it but couldn’t get past her childhood stories about her period. I didn’t have a whole lotta time to read and I kept falling alseep reading it so had to return it to the library before I finished. What other audiobooks do you recommend?
I am going to finish the Tana French book tonight…on page 454 of the Kindle Version and it I just found on That’s What She Read yesterday that there is a sequel to In the Woods called the Likeness. I like Ms. French’s writing style – very poetic and lyrical, but yes, it’s very slow and the lady does know how to set the scene. I will have to check out Faithful Place, thanks for the recommendation and for stopping by to share your thoughts. Hope you come back soon!
I listened to my first audio book last week. I am envious of your time to listen to audio books. I keep trying to figure out how to fit them into my life. Thanks for visiting my Monday post.
You are very welcome Lisa and thank YOU for returning the visit. I have a long commute to work and although I like listening to music, I can’t stand radio commercials. Since I’m book obsessed at the moment, audiobooks are perfect to keep me entertained and energized so I don’t fall asleep at the wheel. Thanks for stopping by and hope you come back soon!
Obviously I’m reading In the Woods! 🙂 But I’m also finishing up Quiet by Susan Cain, and the second and third books in The Giver series by Lois Lowry.
Wow, you’re a reading machine. I am still trying to finish In the Woods so I can start on Sarah’s Key.
I am almost done with Rules of Civility. I hope to finish it this weekend. Love the new look of the site!
I have heard Rules of Civility is good, how do you like it Raquel?
Yes, I like it so far and am about 2/3 into it. I really want to see how it ends!
The Woods sounds creepy! It’s too bad that The Bedwetter ended on a bad note. I hate it when that happens. This week I’m hoping to finish up A Tale for the Time Being. Enjoy your week!
I hope you are enjoying your reading this week. I haven’t made too much progress on In the Woods…it gets creepier by the minute, even the woods are creepy now! Cant wait to find out what is going on here! Thanks for stopping by Vasilly, I’m a new follower on your blog as well.
People really seem to love Tana French. I haven’t gotten to her books yet, but she is an author I mean to check out sooner or later!
I hope you have a great week. 🙂
I do love her style, though I wish the book progressed a little faster. Seems like this one has taken me longer to get through than most others. Going to stop by and visit you too Lindsey. Thanks for stopping by!
Might have to add Into The Woods to my TBR. Sounds good.
What I’m Reading.
Such a good stack of books 🙂 As usual! I’m a fan of Silverman, even though she’s a total garbage mouth, lol. I haven’t read that French but I’ve heard so many good things. I can’t wait to hear your final thoughts.
Have a fab week of reading!
Thanks Jennifer. It’s not really Sarah that bothers me as much as the company she kept and thought was hilarious, and I’m thinking “What?” I didn’t get why that degree of vulgar was funny, I just thought it was gross so it ended badly for me. However, there were some great stories she told and lessons learned so I have very mixed feelings. Just gotta write the review, what a hectic non-reading week it’s been! Hope you’re having a good week, reading and otherwise!
I’m currently reading three books (despite me, I must say):
#1 is a novel by the Catalan writer Eduardo Mendoza that I’m struggling (and will still be struggling) with (for a while) in Spanish. The English title is ‘The City of Marvels’.
#2 is a book that I won on goodreads (a giveaway) that is something between an (auto-)biography and non-fiction because it deals with recent Central European history – ‘A County Lost, Then Found’ by Rick Zedník.
#3 is non-fiction that I’m reading on the bus from and to work and that will take me several weeks to finish – ‘Emotions Revealed’ by Paul Ekman.
So far, I enjoy all three of them.
Wow you have some interesting books on your list. I hope to read more nonfiction books this year. Glad you are enjoying your reading. Thanks for stopping by Edith.
Aw, I hate that the Sarah Silverman book fizzled at the end. Bah! I have “Into the Woods” but I’ve never read it. Can’t wait to see what you thought.
I’m reading “The One and Only Ivan”. It’s good, but I’m not feeling compelled to read it in my free time, so I haven’t read it as quickly as I expected so far.
Well too bad you didn’t join the book club discussion of In the Woods 🙂 , I’ve enjoyed discussing it with other readers online. I haven’t heard of The One and Only Ivan, sorry it’s not compelling for you. You always seem to read books quickly.
I like the sound of In The Woods, very mysterious. I hope you have a great reading week 🙂
It is mysterious and I can’t predict what is going to happen. Thanks for stopping by Jade and hope you have a great reading week too. Off to visit you as well…
Hmm. I’m reading Cover of Snow and a book of essays about female friendship. Then I’m also reading In the Woods, of course. 😀
Hope you enjoy your reading this week Allison. I am now half way through In the Woods, one chapter to go before I can post my discussion update. Really, really want to finish!