its monday what are you reading

It’s Monday, What Are You Reading? May 20, 2013

It’s Monday, What are you Reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey  to recap what I finished reading last week, what I am currently reading and other book-related news. Bloggers link up their lists and it’s a great way to get new book recommendations, discuss our thoughts on the books we’ve read and meet new bloggers. It’s a great start to the week.

Last week I Finished Reading

I participated for the first time in the Bout of Books Read-a-thon hosted by Amanda from On a Book Bender and Kelly from Reading the Paranormal and I was able to finish up 3 books.  See my Goals and Updates post to read about everything I attempted and accomplished.  I participated in Twitter chats and found LOTS of new-to-me book bloggers, with over 100 participants!

Bout of Books

I was able to finish Interview with a Vampire (surprisinlgy loved it!) The Great Gatsby (knew I would and loved it!), I Just Want to Pee Alone (which was lol funny!).

I also posted my Classics Club Spin list, and found out this morning that #6 was chosen. That means I will be reading Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe.

I finally posted my review of Wicked by Gregory Maguire and see why I empathized with the Wicked Witch.


This week I’m Reading

girl with a pearl earring

Girl with a Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier. Paperback for my in-person book club, a fictional account of the woman that inspired a painting. Only 30 pages left and enjoying it.

geography of bliss

Listening to The Geography of Bliss: One Grump’s Search for the Happiest Places in the World on mp3 Audiobook.  Very interesting analysis of different cultures and their religious and philosophical view on what makes them happy.  Results are surprising and I look forward to sharing my thoughts with you.

across eternity

On Kindle, reading Across Eternity by Aris Whittier which I received from the author.  Read 4 chapters so far and interesting story about crossing time dimension, reminiscent of The Time Traveler’s Wife.

Other book-related events and news:

ultimate-book-blogger-500x500armchair bea  
I purchased the Ultimate Book Blogger plugin so slowly but surely you may see some design changes to my site.  Hoping to get that done before Armchair BEA starts next week.  Armchair BEA is the online version of the big Book Expo America (BEA) that takes place in NYC where bloggers, fans and authors converge in an amazing conference.  I am going to take advantage of Armchair BEA and be a commenting cheerleader, cause you know me, I probably spend more time visiting/stalking other great blogs than writing on my own! See my Blogging Events Calendar to find a link to Armchair BEA and my resource to help keep track of these great free events coming up around the blogosphere.

Well, enough about me, what about you? What are you reading this week? Are you participating in the Classics Club Spin or Armchair BEA? Any tips if you have the Ultimate Book Blogger Plugin? Happy reading and thanks for visiting! 

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  1. I just got done reading Blog, Inc. Great resource for bloggers! This summer I want to read The Other Boleyn Girl – I loved the movie and have been wanting to tackle the book ever since.

    I found you via SITS and wanted to show some love for a fellow fairly new blogger. So I nominated you for a Liebster Award:

  2. Listening to The Geography of Bliss sounds very good! I love to read books like that, I am going to have to check it out. I will wait for your review first though. 🙂

    Have a great week!

  3. Enjoy Robinson Crusoe! It’s on my book list, but not sure when I will read it. Will this be a new read or a re-read?

  4. I’ve always wanted to read Girl With a Pearl Earring but never got around to it. My next week is so crazy I don’t know if I’ll be able to participate much in Armchair BEA, although I will try.

  5. I’m inspired by how much you read. I just finished Lauren Myracle’s novel, SHINE, about a young gay man who gets beaten in a small town in North Carolina, narrated by his best friend who dropped him 3 years before when her life fell apart for another reason. And I’m also reading Andrew Solomon’s masterpiece called FAR FROM THE TREE…

  6. I’ve participated in armchair BEA just the once and totally loved it, hopefully next year I can join in again. Across Eternity is on my TBR stack. Have a great week and happy reading 🙂

  7. I am trying to finish up the “Matched” series by Ally Condie. I am not enjoying it but I am on the last book so I feel obligated to see it through. Next, I am going to start “Night Circus” or “The Paris Wife”.

  8. I’ve read The Great Gatsby, but I don’t remember. And I’ve read a segment from Robinson Crusoe. But both were in school. I need to go back and read all of the classics. I’m reading The Host by Stephenie Meyer.

  9. I LOVED “The Girl with the Pearl Earring”! I hope you continue to like it! I read it back to back with “The Girl in Hyacinth Blue”. Our book club did a double that month since both were relatively short and, although very different, had the Vermeer connection.

    I am looking for a book to start. Maybe I ought to go with “Across Eternity” ! (but I have “The Sandcastle Girls” waiting in the wings, too! –Lisa

  10. I haven’t posted a Monday post today, as I was traveling this weekend, but I wanted to check in with you anyway 🙂 I haven’t read any of the books on your list, but I also have the Ultimate Book Blogger plugin- and I really love it! And I’m also going to participate in armchair BEA next week, since I can’t make a trip to NYC.

    I look forward to keeping up with your posts 🙂 Have a wonderful week Tanya.

  11. P.S. Your blog keeps popping up on my security software as “possible fraudulent site”. Since I’d been here before and “”talked” to you, I ignored the warning, but others might not – might want to check into it 🙂

    1. Thanks Sue for letting me know. I have SiteLock and having it run scans again to see if there are any problems. So far all clear for malware and spam so not sure why you are getting that message 🙁 Thanks for visiting, I appreciate it and your comment!

  12. Wow, you’ve been reading a lot lately! I have always wanted to try a read-a-thon, but how on earth do you manage it with kids in the house??

    I really liked Wicked – have you seen the musical? Very different from the book but fabulous anyway.

    And I haven’t read Girl with a Pearl Earring – only saw the movie.

    Enjoy your books this week –


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