Menu Plan Monday-October 6, 2014



Happy Monday! I find having a menu plan essential to feeding my family and keeping within our grocery budget. I menu plan every Sunday based on what meats and veggies are on sale at the grocery store. I have not linked up to Menu Plan Monday at Org Junkie in a long time but since I make a menu plan every week, it’s easy for me to blog about and I love seeing what great recipes other bloggers share. I just noticed that Jill Conyers has a menu planning linkup too so joining her linkup as well.

Monday – Potato Kielbasa Skillet with bread and Spinach-Strawberry Salad

Tuesday – leftovers so I can go see my favorite author Diane Chamberlain talk about her newest book The Silent Sister.

biscuits with sausage gravy banner

Biscuits with Sausage Gravy

Korean BBQ Grilled Chicken Wings with rice and stir fried vegetables

Thursday – Slow Cooker Pizza Casserole with fruit and garlic bread

Friday – dinner out

Saturday – Chicken Shwarma and Greek Style Salad



Family Favorite Pancakes and Hashbrown Casserole

Empanadas with rice and beans

Organizing Printables

I created a couple weekly planner printables to incorporate my menu plans into my week. Check them out and download for free if it will help you with your weekly goal and menu planning.

Free Weekly Planner printable with menu planner based on 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Free Weekly Planner Printable with Menu Plan, Daily Goals and Small Victories & Gratitude Tracker

What are you cooking this week? Do you plan your menus each week? What helps you plan your meals? Happy cooking!


    1. It really does save money for us too Rosa. Otherwise we are in the grocery store nearly every day, and with 3 little ones in tow, it gets expensive and exhausting! We are really trying to cut back on preservatives in our food which of course is all the brightly packaged things that attract my kids. Thanks for stopping by Rosa!

    1. The recipe has a lot of pepperoni and cheese, I only use half what the recipe states and its plenty tasty. One of my oldest son’s favorite dishes but definitely a comfort food. Thanks for hosting the linkup!

  1. Everything sounds delicious! I love how you do an international menu. I do find planning really helps to keep the week focused and on track…we always have everything we need and rarely have waste.

    1. Thanks Kate, my love of all things international is not just for books but for food too! I agree, menu planning helps us know what we have in the fridge. It also helps cut down on impulse purchases from taking kids to the grocery store with me. The less trips to the store, the better 🙂

  2. I should really start meal planning. I think the main reason why I don’t, is because we live right across a supermarket which makes it so easy for me to get ingredients on a daily basis. However I am thinking of how much I can truly save with meal planning so I need to start doing it.
    Thank you for including my Empanada recipe!

    1. Thanks for sharing the empanadas, I can’t wait to try them out. We walked to the grocery store this weekend, I made my boys work for their lunch 🙂 It certainly did help limit what we purchased since we had to carry it home.

  3. We meal plan so that I only need to go tot he store once. This week we took it a bit further and prepared some meals in advance (kids schedules are getting hectic).I made a pork and apple slow cooker recipe last week, so that made it on to this week’s menu again 🙂 Usually I’ll try one or two new things a week, and if the kids like it then it gets added to the rotation. We are not that adventurous, since we are normally short on cooking time but we really should try harder.

    Oh and I am jealous you get to go see Diane. I LOVED Necessary Lies, and am reading The Silent Sister right now! (I may even skip out on meeting hubby for lunch so that I can read more)

    1. Yum, pork and apple slow cooker recipe sounds great. I keep a family favorites cookbook, out of all these recipes I try off Pinterest, we print and keep our favorites in our cookbook. It’s full now. I cook in the slow cooker a lot especially on days when I know kids have evening activities, don’t they always seem to be right around dinner time?

      Did you see signed copies of Necessary Lies are going out tomorrow at Target? I will be heading there to snag one and see if she’ll sign Silent Sister tomorrow. Not sure if it’s just a reading or a signing also. I don’t know why I’m nervous, I met her before and she’s super nice but it’s like talking to a celebrity for me 🙂

        1. yes, on Diane’s FB page she had said she signed 5,000 title pages to be put into Necessary Lies and it’d be out tomorrow. Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan is also coming out tomorrow so it’s gonna be a good day for me and my oldest bookworm who has been waiting for the RR book.

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