4 Mindset Resources for Moms to Reduce Stress and Lead a More Positive Life
These are the 4 best mindset resources for moms and online entrepreneurs to beat negative self talk, stress less and coach yourself to have a more positive outlook on life.
Note: I received the books listed below for free from the author or publisher as a gift or for review consideration. Opinions expressed are purely my own. This blog contains affiliate links or referral links. Purchases from these links provides a small commission or discounts towards future purchases to me at no extra cost to you. Refer to my Full Privacy Policy and Disclaimers here.
The rock bottom of 2022 for me was when I let my stress overtake me and I thought I was having a heart attack. The symptoms I tried to ignore turned into this tightness and pain in my chest and shortness of breath.
When I went to the doctor, the ECG showed I was having premature atrial contractions and they put me on a heart monitor for two weeks which showed I was having these essentially double heartbeats almost all the time.
The doctors told me to avoid caffeine, chocolate, alcohol, high potassium and high calcium foods and STRESS! It’s somewhat easier to control the things I put into my body but stress is always a struggle.
At the time, we had multiple very expensive house repairs that were stressing me out and I put a lot of the pressure on myself for this blog biz and still doing all the things for our home and family. I was completely overwhelmed. Those negative thoughts made me spiral and every time I thought I made one step forward, another fiasco would kick me 2 steps back.
So I stripped everything back. I did the bare essentials to make sure my family was fed. I stepped back from blogging and slept a lot (giving up caffeine). I became very mindful of my stress levels and how my heart races and flutters when I get anxious. It is my signal to slow down and pay attention to what really matters for my body.
The biggest thing that has been helping me is focusing on my mindset and how to deal with stress and negative spiraling thoughts. My mindset work has helped me greatly these last few months. The palpitations aren’t gone entirely but they are not causing noticeable, scary symptoms and they are more sporadic. After numerous tests and scans, the cardiologist says I’m ok, just have to control that stress (and it’s ok to drink decaf, whew!). Hopefully the palpitations go away entirely on their own, I just don’t know how long that will take.
Long story short (well maybe it’s too late for that now), it’s important to take care of your mindset and the things you tell yourself. Our brains are very powerful and they tell us good but often, bad thoughts. I thought I would share my favorite mindset resources that I’ve read, am reading and done in case it helps you tend to your mindset and emotional health.
So you can give yourself the best. You can’t do your best for your family if you are struggling yourself.
Here are the 4 best Mindset Resources for Moms that I own and have read, am reading and am working through.
The 4 Best Mindset Resources for Moms
1. Mind Your Mindset by Michael Hyatt
Mind Your Mindset: The Science that Shows Success Starts with Your Thinking just released on 1/31 so I picked up a copy and it’s on the top of my nonfiction reading list for February. I like that Mind Your Mindset is rooted in science but explained in a way that makes sense. The first introductory chapter is called “the Brain that Tells Itself Stories.”
And it’s true. Our brains tell ourselves things to protect itself. But it’s not always fact. A lot of it is just a story and sometimes those stories do us more harm than good. Have you ever thought you weren’t good enough? That’s just your brain making up a story.
I like that this book breaks down the stories we tell ourselves and reframes them in a clever way, 3 sections to:
- identify the narrator,
- challenge the narrator, and
- train the narrator
It’s a deep, impactful but easy read with lots of real-life examples and illustrations. There are a couple of limited time bonuses you can get: a reading guide and a self coaching tool to help you work through it that you can get for 50% off when you buy Mind Your Mindset.
I loved Michael Hyatt’s Free to Focus that I read at the beginning of 2021. It changed how I plan my weeks and days to focus on what matters, set effective routines and make rejuvenation (“me”) time a priority that I schedule in each week. I also used the Full Focus Planner which is fantastic too.
You can get some of Hyatt’s books, planners and other productivity courses for 10% off your first purchase at the Full Focus store using my code TANYA10.
buy Mind Your Mindset to support an independent bookstore or on Amazon.
2. The Mindful Day: Practical Ways to Find Focus, Calm, and Joy from Morning to Evening by Laurie J. Cameron
I love that The Mindful Day gives you short daily exercises to do to practice mindfulness. Author Laurie Cameron defines mindfulness as:
Mindfulness is the awareness that arises when we deliberately direct our attention toward our inner experience, toward others, and toward the environment around us.
The Mindful Day: Practical Ways to Find Focus, Calm and Joy from Morning to Evening, Laurie J. Cameron
Being more mindful of your thoughts, feelings and it impacts your body and the things you do and feel is the first step towards shifting your mindset to a more positive one.
Because the chapters are only a couple pages each and ends with exercises on how to implement the mindfulness practice, The Mindful Day is a great book to use as a daily reader, daily journaling practice or for a 30 day challenge.
3. The Becoming Boss Mastermind for Online Entrepreneurs
If you’re a mom blogger or online business owner, the Becoming Boss Mastermind is a fantastic value and asset for your biz. Owner, Faith Mariah, is a certified life coach and implements mindset and self coaching into her instruction on developing a biz strategy you love, your people need and are willing to pay you for.
I’ve used tons of blogging resources in the last 11 years I’ve been blogging and Faith’s is the only one that has helped me recognize and conquer my own biz self doubt, comparison traps, imposter syndrome and money mindset issues.
Faith taught me both to recognize my unintentional negative thoughts and feelings and also how to flip the script and be intentional about the thoughts I tell myself when that negativity arises again (and it does). My brain is a very imaginative (and downright, mean) storyteller sometimes, especially as it relates to my chronic illness.
Faith’s lessons on self coaching are backed up by her weekly coaching calls and Ask Faith lives that really helped me personally and with my biz. I’ve learned too that I am not unique in my struggle. We all have them, even those successful bloggers who earn what we wish we could. I’ve met other bloggers too with chronic illness and ADHD and how they’ve been able to build successful businesses.
The Mastermind gives a ton of value for the price you pay. Besides her own 90 day goalsetting strategy, self coaching and execution plans, the Becoming Boss Mastermind offers:
- impactful and actionable workshops like Digital Product Lab, Scared to Seen and Soulful Selling Strategy which are offered for a limited time for new members but get added to the Vault for yearly members.
- other coaches who teach on topics such as productivity, money mindset, social media
- co-working sessions
- weekly retreats to knock out a common topic for your biz. I love the retreats because it helps me get motivated to take that next step and we cram a lot of mindset work into that hour to set yourself up for success to give your customers, and
- active Facebook community
You can check out the Becoming Boss Mastermind here and get on the waitlist if it’s not currently open.
4. Finding A New Normal: Living Your Best Life with Chronic Illness by Suzan L. Jackson
I “met” fellow book and chronic illness blogger Sue Jackson many, many years ago and we’ve developed an online friendship as we both have a love for reading, have battled uncurable chronic illnesses and are both boy moms.
When we first “met”, she talked about wanting to be a self-published author and I’m so happy and proud of her that she did it. She wrote Finding a New Normal: Living Your Best Life with Chronic Illness and although I haven’t finished it yet, I find it a super helpful resource especially for those newly diagnosed with chronic illness or parents of kids with chronic illness.
There is a lot of talk about how to adapt to make the best of the situation, resources to help in different areas of your life and uplifting and encouraging stories and examples. Sections in the book include:
- emotional coping
- daily life
- relationships, and
- improving your life
Again, the chapters are short and different topics bolded so you could easily take what you need from this book when you need it if you don’t have time to read all at once. As someone who has dealt with Rheumatoid Arthritis for 20 years, Suzan is spot on with her recommendations and encouragement. This is the book I wish I had when I was newly diagnosed and it’s the friend I can turn to when I need support. I think this is a fantastic mindset resource for people with chronic illness.
Buy Finding a New Normal: Living Your Best Life with Chronic Illness to support an independent bookstore or on Amazon.
Be sure to check out Sue on her book blog, and her ME/CFS blog too!
Make Your Mindset and Mindfulness Work a Habit with these Annual Trackers
I love writing down my small victories and happy memories everyday in my planner. I have also started tracking the days I do mindset work, whether it’s self coaching or journaling or learning and reading about mindset or mindfulness.
I’m using the annual tracker in my Simple Goals planner so that I can see how often i do it. Having the visual cue in my planner will help keep it in the forefront of my mind. Coloring in those dots is very motivating to me.
Self coaching seems to be more effective for me than journaling because when I journal when I’m upset or anxious, it ends up making my negativity spiral even deeper until I can get my brain out of it. The self coaching helps me get my brain out of it faster because I have an intentional thought model I follow.
Well mindset is on my mind today so I thought I would share my story of why it’s important and the best mindset resources for moms that I’ve found. I feel like this mindset work has helped me have a more positive outlook and nip the downward spiral of negative self talk in the bud sooner. I’ve even been helping others with some of their mindset issues too. It’s been a very impactful and growth process
Is mindset something you need to work on? Or do you have mindset resources that worked for you? Leave a comment below and let me know!
Join my VIP group on Facebook if you’d like to discuss this with others.
More Mindfulness and Mindset Resources for Moms
- 5 Tips to Declutter Your Home and Mind
- 5 Essential Steps to Understanding Chronic Illness – How I Did It & You Can Too
- Living Well Planner – 5 Ways it Can Help You Achieve a More Balanced Life + Detailed Review
- 5 Simple Steps to Mastering Work Life Balance NOW
- Best Planners for Moms
Thank you so much for including my book in your round-up of helpful resources, Tanya! And I loved reading your perspective on our unique friendship – I can’t believe we’ve never met in person!
Somehow, I missed what was going on with you last year (probably because I was myself dealing with my worst relapse in 20 years). It’s sounds so scary! I’m sorry you had to go through that. I already had to give up caffeine and alcohol because of my illness, decades ago, but I agree with you – stress is the tough one! There is always so much I WANT to do, and even after 20 years, it’s sometimes challenging to listen to my body – that is, of course, much of what my book is about.
I’m glad to hear things are improving for you, my friend, and that you’ve found resources and ways to cope. It’s a never-ending challenge, isn’t it? I am always immensely impressed by what you take on and how much you do – and how well you do it!
Thanks for the shout-out … and for the heads up on these other great books, too!
Live with ME/CFS