My Life List: a Bucket List but Better!
Why is a Life List better than a Bucket List? Better because the life list is of smaller, more achievable goals. My bucket list includes moving to the beach and visiting the real Taj Mahal, so the way I understand it, these are things I may reasonably be able to accomplish in the short-term, with a job, RA, 3 kids and all. So here goes, let me know what you think!
For the Love of Family…
Renew vows with my Superhubby in a casual beach ceremony
Stay awake during a Star Wars movie marathon hosted by my Superhubby
Make photo albums/memory books for each son (nope, I don’t have their baby books completed!)
Make memory book for Superhubby
Teach my kids to play piano
Make a clay handprint momento for me and grandmas (last one we made, we had only 2 kids)
More art time, I love watching kids and Superhubby paint!
Take more vacations with friends and family
Have a wicked cool 40th birthday party for Superhubby and I, and every milestone after that!
For the Love of Traveling…
Get passports!
Visit Hawaii
Visit Italy and Greek Isles
Visit Grand Canyon
Visit Hanging Rock, NC
Visit Outer Banks, NC to see wild mustangs
Visit Florida (sanibel island, key west, Legoland, dolphin discovery center)
Visit Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands
Visit Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas
Set sail on a Disney Cruise or Disney Adventure
For the Love of Books…
Read 52 books this year (more classics and stories that take place around the world)
Read Harry Potter series
Read Hobbit/Lord of the Rings series
For the Love of Our Home…
Have the 2-story family room painted…more color, less white!
Print and frame more family pictures
Frame and hang kids artwork
For the Love of Helping Others…
Raise money to support Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) research
Work with the Food bank or Brown Bag Ministry to feed the hungry
Send expired coupons to military families through Coups for Troops of NC
For the Need to Take Better Care of Me…
Walk regularly
Complete a Half Marathon for Arthritis Foundation Joints in Motion Program
Cook more vegetarian dishes
Attempt to play piano more (it’d be great stretching for my hands)
Reorganize my kitchen to make it easier to access what I need
Blog more (it makes me happy to connect with people and make the world a little smaller)
Well, there’s my life list of goals I would like to accomplish. I am sure there are more and I would love to hear from you as to what else I should add.
Alissa at Clever Compass and some other clever bloggers started Project Life List to encourage readers to think about attainable goals in the new year. Visit Clever Compass to see other bloggers’ life lists and to join in!
What’s on your Life List? Let me know in the comments or link up. I hope to hear from you soon, happy dreaming!
I love the idea of a Life List opposed to a bucket list – and how much more achievable the goals are! 52! I’m envious. I love to read but just can’t seem to do so as often anymore.
Love your life list, I’m working on one for myself for the new year as life has changed a lot this year. I have a lot of places I want to travel and I really want to move abroad and take my children to live in another country to “experience” another culture and have the ability to travel more easily with better transportation systems abroad, etc.
Tanya, as you know, I also have a Life List, which is not organized in the same fashion as yours.
Have you noticed that as your life changes, so too, does your Life List. Mine has.
Here’s to enjoying the journey on the way to accomplishing your Life List!
As a side note, more and more of our meals are vegetarian. One of the biggest benefits is that the clean-up isn’t as onerous as when you cook with meat! 🙂
Thanks Marianna, yes my list is constantly changing, I suppose it keeps life unpredictable and interesting. That is a good point about vegetarian dishes, the less dishes to clean the better!
Oh, I remember those days! Just the threat of snow was enough to shut down the town!
Wonderful list! Although, I don’t envy your Star Wars goal because I fall asleep every single time and have yet to watch one full movie. Another place to check out wild mustangs is Cumberland Island off the coast of Georgia. It is amaaaazing and has old mansions in ruins and wild mustangs, etc. And I love the Coups for Troops! I donated all of mine to a local retirement home that was collecting them for a similar charity.
Thanks Allison, the Star Wars goal is more for my Superhubby that is a Star Wars fanatic. He keeps wanting to do a Star Wars marathon with the kids. Maybe we should do that this weekend since we are expecting snow and ice. You’ve lived in NC, you know that means we will be huddled in our beds. Unfortunately our heat downstairs isn’t working so the movie marathon will need to be in my room under my electric blanket! 🙂 We will have to check out Cumberland Island, thanks for the tip! I appreciate you stopping by and commenting!
Tanya, I love your life list! Now I’m adding a few of yours on to my life list. Renewing vows was on my mind, but I haven’t made it a serious goal. I better do it before I get too old and exhausted!
I hope you cross many things off your list this year!
All work and no play makes Mommy a disgruntled chick.
Thanks Elle, love your motto “all work and no play make mommy a disgruntled chick.” hope you enjoy checking off your life list. leave me a link if its on your blog so we can visit!
I love this list. I may have to do something similar – just for me though. I already wrote up my goals on my blog earlier this month.
With each baby my baby books get skimpier and skimpier…so that will be on my life list, too…when I get around to making one!
I so happy that I found Moms Small Victories on the blog hop and that you will visit me, Jan over at Unique Baby Gear Ideas when you get a minute!
Thanks Jan for the visit and finding me. Hope you will come back! Off to visit you.
I love the idea of a Life LIst – and this is just the time to start writing one for myself with a whole year on the horizon to achieve some of the goals I have in life. I especially like how you broke it down into sections like you did. I think I’ll do that, too.
I’m stopping by to welcome you to the Biannual Blogathon Bash ( ). I’m a greeter and we’re so glad that you’ve signed up to join in the fun. It’s such a fabulous motivating weekend for bloggers. I hope you enjoy it. See you there!
Thanks Jackie, I have lots of ideas that I would like to work on and look forward to the blogathon bash! The life list was fun to dream up and get down on paper, these ideas have been swirling around in my head collecting dust. I cant wait to put these into action! Have a great weekend!
Thanks so much for linking up and if you’d like the code to have the linky at the end of your post, just let me know. I’d love to renew my vows and do a Disney cruise too (although not at the same time). A passport (once you have the $$ saved) is a pretty easy thing to check off your list. My husband and I went to the OBX in March one year and it was fabulous. We had the place to ourselves. Also, I’d love to hear more about how the expired coupons thing works. Good luck with your life list!
Hi Alissa, I have been avoiding getting passports but as you can see many of my destinations require one, so I better get on it! March would be a beautiful time to go to OBX, of course to me anytime is great. We have gone to Myrtle in January and still loved it. We would comb the beach for seashells with our coats and shoes on and then go inside, soak in the hot tub and play in the indoor waterpark. I love Coups for Troops, I added the link in my post for when I first found out about it. since then, I have been linked to a family so I can send them my expired coupons directly. Since it is sent to a us base, the postage is the same as sending within US, it’s not international rates. The families overseas can use the expired coupons for 6 months after the expiration date!! My military family was so appreciative of the big ole box I sent her! And I always have a ton of coupons that I don’t use and very glad that they can. My small token of thanks to those who serve. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my life list!!!
I love your list! Thanks for joining in!
I especially love how you sectioned everything appropriately. That rocks.
And the veggie dishes, I so want to do that but my husband is a total meat and potatoes kinda guy. I’m working on it.
And the Outer Banks! How could I forget? I’ve never been!! Must add to my list!!
Thanks so much Andrea for the encouragement and compliments.
I so very much know what you mean, my Superhubby is a meat and potatoes and hamburger-French fries kinda guy even though we both try really hard to eat healthy. We both can’t resist some of those foods we know we shouldn’t eat. I don’t think we will ever become complete vegetarians but I will try to serve myself less meat and more of the veggies of anything I make. Or make sure I eat a salad before my meal to fill me up on veggies some. Of course my kids are all skinny and need the extra poundage that meat and carbs can offer.
Ya know, I have lived in NC more than half my life now and I have never been to Outer Banks either? Who wouldn’t love to see wild mustangs running free on the beach? Especially the 3 boys of mine. My oldest loves to chase seagulls on the beach and the youngest doesn’t walk, he runs everywhere, I bet the mustangs would certainly give them a better run for their money!