National Blog Posting Month Begins #NaBloPoMo
About NaBloPoMo
National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo) hosted by BlogHer begins today and runs all month long. I’ve decided to join in and commit to publishing a post every day for the month of November. I might be nuts given how hard it was to post everyday during our Travel the World in Books Readathon and with the holidays coming. But I loved getting daily interaction from my readers during the Readathon and challenging myself to bring new content to you everyday.
In addition to posting and cross-posting to BlogHer, there is a daily Twitter chat that I hope to join once in awhile to network with the 547 other participants signed up so far. If you’re interested be sure to sign up before November 5th, they are giving away the tickets to BlogHer’14 PRO and ipad Mini’s on November 8th!
Post Topics
With all this blogging, I need a plan that I can stick with. I’m already jotting down daily post ideas into my WP Editorial Calendar plugin so that when I’m ready to write I know what to work on. Here’s what I HOPE an average week will look like:
Monday: Menu Plan Monday with Org Junkie – it helps me to menu plan and I love to share recipes, whether my own or ones I’ve found.
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday – to share a top ten list regarding a bookish topic or Tasty Tuesdays with Creative K Kids/Tickle My Tastebuds Tuesdays with Detours in Life to share a new recipe.
Wednesdays: miscellaneous, it’s a surprise even to me!
Thursdays: Throwback Thursday Linkup – linkup an old blog post with us to get new views, comments and pins.
Fridays: Be Our Guest Fridays – a weekly feature showcasing our favorite bloggers and authors
Saturdays: Bookish Thanks with A Lovely Bookshelf on the Wall – an instagram challenge but I will post a weekly update on the blog too.
Sundays: miscellaneous until I can get my Small Victories Sunday linkup going again to share your best, inspiring and positive content.
I already have oodles of book reviews to catch up on and zillions of food pictures to share recipes for so I really hope this month will be a productive month! But if I run low on ideas, here are some great lists of writing prompts I will be pulling ideas from:
NaBloPoMo November Writing Prompts
SITS Girls November Writing Prompts
Mama Kat’s Losin It Writer’s Workshop
Book Blog Writing Month (#BookBlogWriMo) hosted by Book Bumblings
Love, Jaime’s 30 Days of Thankfulness Linkup
Are you participating in the NaBloPoMo or have you participated in a daily writing challenge before? What tips do you have to help me? What kind of blogging planner do you have? Good luck to those of you participating!
This is my first time participating in NaBloPoMo! I don’t really have a separate blogging planner. I use a paper planner, and I have a notes section where I keep a running list of ideas/topics/photos I want to use, and then I pencil into a different section of my planner when I’m ready for a more concrete plan.
Good luck!
Yay, another NaBloPoMo newbie. Thanks for stopping by Angela. I love my personal paper planner too. I jot down the draft idea into the editorial calendar plugin and then write the post name in my paper planner in purple for my blog. I love color coding 🙂 Good luck to you too!
Haha! You are crazy lady – good luck!
Thanks Jennine. I think I might be crazy too! I just have to blog ahead any chance I get.
Love the idea of an editorial calendar, I have one but need to get in the habit of using it more regularly 🙂
stopping by from the #NaBloPoMo challenge, good luck this month!
I use the WordPress Editorial Calendar plugin. If you are on WordPress, I highly recommend it. Thanks for stopping by. Good luck to you too for #NaBloPoMo!
Okay, you inspired me and I signed up. Yikes! We’ll see how this goes…
So glad there’s another book blogger joining in 🙂 I’ll be here to cheer you on!
You’re awesome for doing this. I wish I had more time to write more. Can’t wait to read your posts. 🙂
Thanks Rachel, I’m gonna try my best! I wish I had more time to write too. I think I need to perfect the art of being concise and efficient 🙂 Hoping this event will help me in that regard!
I’m not participating, but you inspired me too…is it too late? And I am nervous about the crazy business of November…
I think sign ups are open until Nov 5th so its not too late. I hope you give it a try and keep me posted on how it goes. It’s my first time. I figure I am going to have to get better at writing simply, effectively and efficiently. Sometimes I take way too long crafting posts!
I’m doing BookBlogWriMo this month which is a similar idea. I’ve per written a lot of posts so I don’t get overwhelmed.