Motherhood and Life with Rheumatoid Arthritis by Mom's Small Victories. Juggling life, motherhood, a blog and life with RA. Tips on coping with chronic illness and the unexpected lessons Rheumatoid Arthritis has taught my family.

Motherhood and Life with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Motherhood and Life with Rheumatoid Arthritis by Mom's Small Victories. Juggling life, motherhood, a blog and life with RA. Tips on coping with chronic illness and the unexpected lessons Rheumatoid Arthritis has taught my family.

Normally Fridays are dedicated to featuring my favorite bloggers and authors for my Be Our Guest Fridays series but today, I’m honored to be the guest over at My Fruitful Home with my experience with motherhood and life with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA).


Though my RA is well managed with medication and somewhat by diet, days with RA are unpredictable. Besides the physical pain that comes with the disease, there is also the emotional toll that RA takes on me and worse, my family. 


My blogging friend Tanya at My Fruitful Home knows what it’s like to live with chronic illness. As a fibromyalgia patient and blogger herself, she strives to raise awareness of chronic illnesses with her Chronic Illness Interview Series. Tanya is a fellow planner addict and mom of two and has great ideas on living fruitfully with chronic illness. In particular, Tanya has a great post about books for living with chronic illness and Top 10 Helpful Apps for Living with Chronic Illness.


So go read my post from the heart where I’m opening up about motherhood and Rheumatoid Arthritis, how it feels to be a mom with a chronic illness, what helps me cope with RA and how it impacts my kids and tell my name and chronic illness twin Tanya that I sent you!  I hope my interview helps other mothers with RA know they aren’t alone, some tips to help you juggle life with chronic illness and the unexpected lessons RA has taught my kids.

Want more tips for coping with, managing and THRIVING with chronic illness? Be sure to subscribe to my newsletter here and get this FREE Food and Symptom Printable to start understanding your body’s response to your illness.

Struggling to understand why your chronic illness is flaring? Subscribe to my newsletter to get tips for coping and thriving with the physical and emotional challenges that come with a chronic illness and get my FREE Food and Symptom printable to track how food, water, sleep and weather impact your symptoms to that you can start feeling better sooner!




Are you a mom with a chronic illness? How do you juggle life, self-care and your family? What tools help you cope with your chronic illness? Tell me here or at My Fruitful Home. I am here to listen and encourage you on your journey.


  1. Thank you for sharing your journey, I was moved to tears. This Mother’s Day, I want you to know how strong and appreciated you are. I was reading a collection of beautiful essays on motherhood here: Mother Essay and they really opened my eyes to the importance of mothers in our life. I hope you check it out and find something that resonates with you.

  2. Being a mom with a chronic illness is no joke. My very good friend Stacey writes a beautiful blog at about living with chronic illness. 🙂

  3. This is an important topic and close to my heart too. I was diagnosed when my daughter was 4 so she only knew a mom who had to make adjustments, take it slowly, and rest more often. One who needed surgeries. She was always a wonderful helper and patient with my limitations, but it was sometimes hard to lay that burden on her. Enough about me!! I want to read your guest post, so here I go!

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