
Powersheets 2020: March Goals and February Accomplishments


Powersheets 2020 March goals and real February results. What the Powersheets helped me accomplish in February, what I learned, and how I set goals in March for a fresh start and to focus on my most important goals.

Besides the intense satisfaction I get from checking a goal or task off my list, the single biggest motivator in actually getting goals accomplished is holding myself accountable by reporting to others what I’m trying to get done.

This was proved in February when at the end of an otherwise everything going wrong and brutal month, I saw one particular goal on my tending list that has been a goal since 2017 and on my tending list since May 2019. I could not bear to write that I didn’t accomplish it….again.

So I worked my tail off and got it done. Not perfect, but done. Done enough that my shop launched with 2 of my digital products for sale on February 26, 2020, just in the knick of time. I couldn’t very well rave about how Powersheets changed my life and NOT get done this goal that is the single most important next step in growing my business! But I guess I gave you a spoiler before I got to that goal. I’m just so excited it finally got done!

As you can see, accountability has a huge impact on actually following through with your goals. Grab yourself an accountability partner who is as motivated as you to accomplish their goals.

Anyway, back to the Powersheets 2020 goal planner and the rest of February’s accomplishments and March goals.

Note: This post may contains affiliate links. Purchases from these links may provide a small commission to me at no extra cost to you. Refer to my Full Privacy Policy and Disclaimers here.

Another quick note: The 2020 Dated Powersheets like I show in my pictures are sold out as of 2/4/20 and won’t be restocked, but you can still get a 6 month undated Powersheets. The 6 month Powersheets have all the same prep work and tending list pages, the only thing they are missing are the specific seasonal pages. Grab the 6 month undated Powersheets here so you can see how the Powersheets can inspire you to lead your best life fulfilling your most important goals!


For February, I had laid out my Powersheets 2020 monthly calendar to keep track of my goal progress. This is what it looked like at the beginning of the month.

And here’s what it looked like at the end of the month.

Yep, exactly the same. I forgot to update it for what daily progress I made in February. I’ll try this again in March and hope it goes better!


Here’s what my tending list looked like at the end of frustrating February looked like

Powersheets 2020 February end of month tending list with goals accomplished, Erin Condren glitter pen and gold ruler and Zebra Mildliner highlighters

Goal 1: January 2020 Spending Report

Staying on top of our finances so we can make progress on paying off our mortgage is my biggest goal for this year. I’ve been trying to simplify my finance reporting process which isn’t easy for the accountant in me.

I’m having trouble wanting my financial reports to look a certain way and to reconcile to what we have in the bank. So I didn’t get this one done yet as I’m still trying to figure out the best way for us.

Status: Not done

Goal 2: January 2020 Net Worth Report

And similarly to #1, I didn’t update this report either.

Status: Not done

Goal 3: File Taxes

We had some issues with our tax documents that I had to follow up on. So it was a lot of hurry up and wait. And wait. And wait. Nope, this isn’t done either.

Status: in process but not done.

Goal 4: Budget Paychecks

Budget by Paycheck workbook and Debtris debt payoff chart for our mortgage

I am trying to implement the Budget Mom’s Budget by Paycheck method. What I like is that you are always updating your budget for your current income and upcoming bills, savings and extra debt payments so that you can give every dollar a purpose.

Although cash envelopes don’t work well for me, I am still budgeting each paycheck so I can make extra mortgage payments every month and make progress on our Debtris debt payoff chart.

Status: completed!

Goal 5: Sell Kids’ Stuff/Prep for Kids’ Consignment Sale

There is a local kids consignment sale coming up in March and in an effort to declutter, we want to get rid of outgrown kids clothes and toys. This is soo hard for my husband and I as we are both so emotionally attached to the memories those things hold.

It’s why we’ve hung on so long and we’ve spent so much money on it, it would be good to even get a little bit back. So I like kids consignment sales because once I tag everything (which is a lot fo work), I can take it and they take care of selling and dealing with customers. Our one and only yard sale taught me I’m not a negotiator. I want to set a price and take it or leave it. And I don’t like being forced to sit in one place all day waiting for people to stop by.

So consignment sales work better for me because I drop if off, they sell what they can and donate what doesn’t sell for me.

Anyway, I’ve got things in bags and piles and boxes to sell but I didn’t get much further than that.

Status: not completed.

Goal 6: Renew Passports

Kids need new passports and I made the appointment but couldn’t get much further than that.

Status: in process.

Goal 7: Simple and Meaningful Celebrations for February

Simple and meaningful celebrations is something I put on my list ever since I saw the Cultivate What Matters Celebrations Binder. I wanted it but really am trying to save money.

So every month, I think about how to make that month’s celebrations simple and meaningful. For February that means the Super Bowl, Valentine’s Day and my parents anniversary.

Status: completed!

Goal 8: Double Blog Income from February 2019 ($1,388)

My overall 2020 business goal is to double my income from 2019. And because income and traffic are kinda volatile, my goal is to double my income from the same month last year.

For February 2020, that means earning $1,388 to double my February 2019 income.

I did not blog much, or even create pins for pinterest. I pretty much did nothing till the end of the month when I realized,”oh cno! It’s the end of February and I haven’t done anything!” I earned $237 so I only achieved 17% of this goal. But progress is progress!

Status: not done., 17% complete.

Goal 9: Elite Blog Academy (EBA) Sale Promo

EBA goes on sale to the public once a year in the first week in March usually so I’ve got to start getting ready and updating my posts and promotion schedule.

Status: made progress

Goal 10: Launch Shop

As I said above, on about February 22nd, I realized that the month was ending and I REALLY didn’t want to move “launch shop” goal to March. I dragged my feet long enough so said it was now or never. I got it done! Not perfect but done. Here is my shop if you want to visit.

It felt AMAZING to get my shop live and resulted in orders and comments from readers and chronic illness patients who I could truly help make their lives better. Nothing is more rewarding to me than that. They are my why, why I continue to blog, to make a meaningful and positive impact on their lives.

That was the tip of the iceberg and motivation I. needed to create more so I could help my readers overcome their biggest obstacles and achieve their dream lives!

Goal 11: Extra Mortgage Payments

My unwritten goal is to make extra mortgage payments. From February’s savings challenges, we put an extra mortgage payment of $132. Yay! Little by little!


February’s wildcard page was used for me write in the unexpected, small victories and happy memories. Writing in the unexpected helps me put frustrating February into perspective. The tending list shows me what I didn’t complete but the (bad) unexpected and happy memories (sometimes the good unexpected) even helps me understand why.

When our brothers and sisters all want to come visit on 2 different weekends, we say yes! We created happy memories being together going to museums and doing family Lego challenges and watching movies, but it’s priceless time that I don’t mind putting our other goals on hold for.


I like to try out different layouts for my monthly calendar to help you (and me) think outside the box on how to use them to benefit you. For the March 2020 Powersheets monthly calendar, I used my Zebra Mildliner highlighters to color code:

  • the recurring appointments with dots (my sons’ sports practices in yellow and blue dots, my blog tribe meetings in magenta),
  • dots for one time appointments and
  • bars for all day events.

Each week has a different springy color scheme corresponding to which goals I’m going to focus on each week.

As you can see from the first week, i’m going to write in the small steps I took on one or more of my goals. And when I accomplish a goal it gets a special sticker from the Goal Setting Sticker book. Look, I already accomplished a goal on March 6th!

I hope this shows how little by little progress adds up! Now, I have to stick with it!

My 2020 Powersheets MARCH Goals

Goal 1: Kids Consignment Sale (3/23)

The goal is to declutter all the kids outgrown toys and clothes in preparation for the kids consignment sale coming up. My hope is to go through all the tubs, bags and boxes I have and either tag them for the sale, donate or trash.

Goal 2: File Taxes

Gotta get it done! Don’t want this going into April!

Goal 3: Passports and Spring Break!

We like to keep our passports active so we can travel internationally should the opportunity come up.

I need to make some plans for spring break, even if this year it means an epic staycation. We’ve been enjoying being tourists in our hometown lately. and it’s been fun exploring new things to do in town.

Goal 4: January Spending and Net Worth & Goal 5: February Spending and Net Worth

Gotta get caught up on our financial reports. It helps us stay focused on our big financial goals to save more and payoff our mortgage!

Goal 6: Budget Paychecks

Budgeting by paycheck has been helping me stay on top of our budget and spending so this will continue to be on my goal list each month. There are two paycheck periods this month so I split the box into 2.

Goal 7: Every Dollar App Setup

Everydollar is a free app that you can use to track your budgets and spending from your phone. I’m hoping this will help me keep track of spending more easily because even though I wanted paper tracking to work with the Budget by Paycheck workbook, I didn’t update the expense trackers at all.

I’m hoping going cashless

Goal 8: Double Blog Income from 3/19 ($1,132)

Pretty self explanatory but earn double the income I earned from March 2019.

Goal 9: Email Subscribers to 5k

I love, love, love connecting with readers on my email list and it’s definitely the best way to get to know their needs and how I can help them. I had 3.761 to start March so 5k would be a 33% increase.

Goal 10: Simple and Meaningful Celebrations

There are 2 birthdays this month and my goal again is to celebrate them in a simple and meaningful way for each birthday person.

Goal 11: Extra Mortgage Payments

I didn’t write it in again this month but the goal is to make an extra mortgage payment before the April payment is due. I’ve been doing the Budget Mom’s Savings challenges like these and applying whatever we saved towards an extra mortgage payment.


I won’t be talking too much about my weekly and daily action items in this post as I’m focused on the big goals here. But I will say that my weekly action items and daily items are designed to help me stay on track. Last year, my goal was simplifying my home, life, planning and blog/work routines and so this is carrying forward those important routines I need to do each week and day in order to feel my best and get the most done. I love turning important tasks into weekly and daily routines to simplify getting them done. It really helps me when I can stick to a good routine.

That’s it for my 2020 Powersheets March goals and frustrating February’s accomplishments. I really loved keeping my goals list detailed and broken down into manageable steps. I’m hopeful for the fresh start in March, it’s already off to a strong start and I hope yours is too!

What goals are you trying to accomplish for March? Leave me a comment and let me know, I’ll cheer you on! And if you want to goalsetting and encouraging tips to help you on your goal journey, subscribe to my newsletter here and get a free guide to crush your goals!.

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