2020 Powersheets Review: The Best Goal Planner to Cultivate and Achieve Your Best Life
Want to live your best life? Here’s my honest Powersheets review with the pros, cons, if it’s really worth it and how the 2020 Powersheets goal planner will change your life.
Note: This post contains affiliate links as indicated by an asterisk. Purchases from these links provides a small commission to me at no extra cost to you. Cultivate What Matters sent me the Powersheets goal planner and some of the accessories pictured in exchange for being a table leader at their Cultivate Your Year Live event in December. All opinions are honest and totally my own.
I was tired. So tired. Of chasing lots of goals and feeling like I was getting nowhere. Of feeling lost and not knowing which path to take, do I continue to stay home or do I go back to work? I fell into the comparison trap and wondered why everyone else could have nicely decorated houses, successful blogs and fit bodies and yet, I couldn’t.
I have invested time and money in lots of planners. But in 2018, I used the Powersheets goal planner* and finally learned how to uncover and pinpoint my MOST important goals so that I could focus and make progress on the chosen few to lead me on the path I chose, not just what stay at home mom life demanded from me. I learned that it’s ok to grow slow and that my goals will change as my season of life changes, the important thing is to just start right where I am NOW.
Cultivate What Matters founder Lara Casey is a brown thumb turned avid gardener and she uses her life experience and gardening metaphors to help illustrate how we are like plants. We are seeds that need digging, nourishing, cultivating and pruning in order to produce the sweetest and most beautiful flowers, fruit and life. The metaphors totally work for me and I love that Lara focuses on cultivating YOUR Best Life that YOU define from right where you are.
2020 Powersheets Review
The 2020 Powersheets just released on October 16, 2019 so I’ll be covering this newest version for you in detail. There are some pretty big changes to the 2020 Powersheets and they have made it better than ever. Let me show you.
I’ll be telling you about what’s new, the pros and cons of the Powersheets, if Powersheets goal planners are REALLY worth it and what the Powersheets* helped me accomplish in 2019.
2020 Powersheets Goal Planner Features
Here are the 2020 Powersheets goal planner features as described on the Cultivate What Matters website:
IT’S A NEW DAY! Finally achieve your goals with the best-selling PowerSheets®️ One-Year Intentional Goal Planner. The most popular and results-backed goal planner, eight years running!
Made for you—students, empty-nesters, corporate professionals, entrepreneurs, love-at-home moms! Thousands of women all over the world have found success with PowerSheets. Created by Lara Casey, best-selling author of Make It Happen and Cultivate: A Grace-Filled Guide to Growing an Intentional Life.
Inside, you’ll LOVE:
- The proven process that works. (Read the reviews!)
- 12 months of intentional goal-setting worksheets to make your goals reality.
- The signature PowerSheets Prep™️ process to uncover the right goals for your season of life.
- Expert goal coaching on every page so you stay motivated and on track.
- Exclusive seasonal worksheets to refresh and refocus your goals each season.
- Inspiring design, a full page of signature goal-setting stickers, and so much more!
- 183 pages. Measures 8.5 x 10 inches, printed on high-quality 120 gsm paper.
NEW! Totally Amazing Hardbound covers in 4 Beautiful Styles!
The Powersheets goal planners had a paperboard type cover in years past but the 2020 Powersheets have these amazing, thick, hardbound covers with gold reinforced corners and gold foil font. The coil has also been changed from a white plastic in years past to this beautiful gold wire-O binding. They have 4 gorgeous colors for the 12 month “dated” planners. Here are the 4 covers to choose from and if you struggle to pick one, I found this graphic helpful though really they are all gorgeous!
I had the confetti in 2018 and I think it’s their signature cover. I chose the pink confetti in 2019 but I’m back to confetti in 2020 because I missed it.
The multicolored cover is just so happy! The multi has a busy and colorful leaf and flower pattern with hints of gold sprinkled throughout. The 2020 Powersheets cover is definitely sturdier which will be great for when I fold it back and write in my Powersheets on my lap or couch which is where a lot of planning gets done too.
In 2019, I mostly kept my Powersheets open on my desk with my daily planner and blog strategy planner. I didn’t carry it in my purse or laptop bag and well I totally am careful with my planners so the covers hold up well. I will be interested to see how all the gold holds up by the end of the year. The ONLY flaw I found in my Powersheets goal planner was that some of the foil had rubbed off near the coil.
Also for 2020, they increased and darkened the font size. Last year’s Powersheets font was tiny and hard to read. Thankfully, they listened to customer feedback and made the font larger and darker for those of us who need reading glasses.
The size of the Powersheets is also a little larger which is great for me since the font is bigger.
Finally, they added a pocket on the inside front cover! It’s great for the Wildcard Pages and to keep your word of the year card.
Pretty Inspiration
Just like in the 2019 Powersheets, there are still beautiful pages with artwork, inspirational quotes and stickers from founder Lara Casey. The pages are very colorful and are consistent with the gardening theme to cultivate what matters to you in your life. This page just makes me so happy and I love that 2020 is the “year of clear vision”!
The Powersheets Goal Planner* is divided into 4 main categories of worksheets:
- the Prep Work to help you reflect on your current life and what you want your life to look like
- the Goals section to pinpoint your most important goals and develop action plans to get them done
- Monthly planning pages to plan out the goals you want to pursue, break them down into monthly, weekly and daily tasks and review and reflect on what went well and what didn’t.
- The Quarterly Seasonal Refresh pages (only available in the one-year planners) for Spring, Summer and Fall with dedicated themes to tackle in the spirit of the season. This is also the chance to reflect on your life and goals and adjust as needed.
Let’s walk through each section and what’s great (and maybe not so great) about each one…
1. The Powersheets Prep Work Pages… STILL AWESOME with All New Goal Coaching
Here is what sets Powersheets apart from the majority of other goal planners on the market. It’s the 30+ pages of in-depth Prep Work pages that could make you exceedingly happy, push you out of your comfort zone and well, shed a few tears as you soul search. These pages help you identify your strengths and passions, your weaknesses and hidden fears and how you feel about your life in a variety of areas.
The truth of the matter is that these pages are the deep digging work you have to do to understand both your motivations and how to let go of your fears so you can focus on what matter most to you. Instead of just surviving your daily life, the Powersheets are designed to help you CULTIVATE and achieve the life you want. There are a few new Prep Work pages and I love the additions. that aligned perfectly with working to simplify my goals, life and processes in 2020.
You can devote a week (or as much time you need if you prefer to savor and go slow) to do them the pages in order, or do what you feel you most need. If you’re like me, then you’ll want to make copies and do them again throughout the year as you feel yourself losing focus, or feeling overwhelmed by constant life changes or interruptions. In any case, the Prep Work pages are the heart of the Powersheets* and fabulous for helping you get to the heart of the matter for YOU and the legacy you want to leave behind.
I learned so much going through the Prep Work the first two years and this year’s coaching is different, even better and I can’t wait to dig in! I find myself going back to my favorite pages throughout the year to remember my why, refresh my motivation and to celebrate the progress made, big and small. The prep work and goal coaching pages are truly what sets Powersheets apart from other goal planners and can really have the most impact on your life. It really does feel like you have a goal coach cheering you on throughout your day!
Tip: In my first year, I bought the Powersheets in late December so I missed the chance to join Lara in Prep Work week (I think it’s at the beginning of December) where she walks through her Powersheets with us and get my goals and priorities planned out before the year started. Buy your Powersheets early so you have them in time for Prep Week and get the full benefit of Lara’s positivity, encouragement and inspiration. And yes, you’ll want to dedicate a couple weeks or all of December to really get real on the Prep Work and not feel overwhelmed.
Tip 2: if you want even more in-depth prep work, grab a copy of Lara’s book Cultivate* (that she signed for me during the 2019 photo shoot). I wish I had done it before the prep work so this year, I am going to journal some of the prompts she puts in the book so I can uncover more of what’s causing my fear and anxiety (especially for my blog business) so I can beat it in 2020 and make my work from home dreams come true!
2. Powersheets Goalsetting Pages…Breaking It Down and Cultivating What Matters Most to You
Now that we have completed the deep digging and self-reflection, the Powersheets goal planner* then takes you through 20 more pages of brainstorming your best goals, simplifying your year and developing action plans to get them done. There is space for 8 large goals and mini goals and action plans for each.
I love breaking down goals into manageable action plans. It’s less overwhelming to accomplish a big goal when you break it down into bite-sized chunks and mini goals. These new action plan pages help you break down the goal, assign a deadline for yourself, and identify 3 starting steps because most of the time, just starting is the biggest hurdle!
3. Powersheets Monthly Pages…Planning Out Your Goals and Getting Them Done
Preparing for the Month
Now that your goals are defined, it’s time to get to work and fit your goals into your life and all those commitments you’ve got going on. The Powersheets has these Prepare Well pages that help you think about commitments you already know about, what you’re excited for, what you’re worried about and what you’re hopeful for.
This exercise is really helpful so I don’t overextend myself when it comes time to write out my specific goals on my tending list. Overextending myself and underestimating how long things will take me to do is still a battle for me even though I’m an avid time tracker.
New! Powersheets Monthly Calendars
New this year are the addition of monthly calendars into the Powersheets. Now normally I don’t use my monthly calendars in my planners for appointments because I keep them all in Google Calendar and well they can change so often with my health situation and the unpredictability my kids bring to my life.
But I am pretty excited about the addition of monthly calendars. Why? Because for people who don’t want two separate planners, this may just help you use just one planner! I think the monthly layout has big enough squares that you could appointments or use it for the top 3 priorities of each day.
And you could get the weekly sticky notepad* to write down your tasks for each day. If you don’t need the record of your weekly tasks, toss it at the end of the week. If you do want the record of your weekly tasks, check out this video on how to add pages into your Powersheets (this is what I’m going to try out for you).
The Powersheets Tending List
Besides the amazing prep work, the Tending List might be what drew me to the Powersheets most. I love, love, love trackers and checklists because they help me SEE what I actually got done (instead of focusing on all the things that didn’t).
I used to created all sorts of trackers and checklists to be able to monitor my goal progress. So when I saw these tending lists to track progress on my goals that were already done for me, I was ecstatic! I bought the goal setting sticker book* too to help embellish my tending list because it feels SO good to check off these boxes, make progress and celebrate our small victories!
I love these stickers, so pretty and fun. I had problems with the color coding dots falling off in the 2018 sticker book so I hope that doesn’t happen with these. There was no problem with the stickiness of the other stickers and those are the ones I want to celebrate progress!
Where to Keep Your Tending List so You Actually Check It
As far as where to keep the tending list so that you actually check it. I’ve done it a couple ways and here are a few ideas so you always keep your goals front and center in your mind. The key is to figure out where you will check it most.
- I keep it open on my desk with my planners since that’s where i do most of my goal/blogging work. My desk is in my kitchen and I’m always there whether it’s working, cooking or helping kiddos.
- I have also torn my tending list out each month and stick it right on top of my daily planner so that I can check things off as I complete tasks. At the end of the month, I tape it back into the Powersheets notebook.
- Take a picture of your tending list and keep it as your phone’s wallpaper so you can access it on the go and every time you pick up your phone to check Facebook and redirect yourself to something more productive 🙂
- Keep your Powersheets tending list on your nightstand and update it before bed each night so you can celebrate the progress you made and can have a good snapshot for in the morning so you know what to tackle next.
- Set an alarm on your phone or a Google calendar appointment to check your Powersheets tending list first thing in the morning, in the middle of the day after lunch and/or an hour before bedtime. Whenever you think checking it will serve you best.
Every Tuesday, Cultivate What Matters also hosts an Instagram live where a team member shares her tending list and encourages us to share our tending lists, the progress we’ve made and reminds us to give ourselves grace when we don’t get as much done as we’d hoped. This is a great weekly checkin to help keep us accountable for working through our goals. Also follow the #tendinglisttuesday hashtag on Instagram to be inspired by other users’ tending lists. You’ll see me sharing mine too!
4. Quarterly Seasonal Refresh Pages…Get in the Spirit of the Season and Adjust Your Goals
Each quarter in the 12 month Powersheets* has a quarterly refresh where they focus on one area of your life and encourage you to slow down, rethink and improve. This is also the time when your goals get another evaulation and refresh. This is the time to adjust anything that is not working and fine tune what you’ll be working on for the next quarter.
I love the little designs that adorn the pages of the seasonal refresh. The seasonal worksheets help you get in and savor the spirit of the season. Spring, Summer and Fall pages that enhance how you feel and perceive the coming quarter.
End of the Year Work
There’s a spread to celebrate 2020 and all the joys, victories and accomplishments it brought!
2020 Powersheets Review: the Quick Pros and Cons
Skip to the end? Here’s a quick summary of the Powersheets goal planner pros and cons.
- the most comprehensive goal planner in terms of prep work and really digging deep to figure out what motivates you
- if you feel lost or lacking purpose, Prep Work can help you find your path to a more well-balanced life
- encourages you to confront your fears and self-limiting beliefs head on so you can achieve your dream life
- beautiful and colorful artwork and stickers to inspire you
- monthly tending lists to track your progress on your goals
- reviews, evaluations and refreshes to make sure your goals change as your life. needs and commitments do
- Powersheets group Facebook community is wonderful! I find lots of grace, relatable stories and women helping each other stay true to what’s important to them
- I’m a little worried about the gold foil rubbing off on the front cover. But a sign of a well-loved planner is not a deal breaker for me. Really, this is the ONLY thing I
- usually sells out fast so you don’t have time to waste.
- price, $60 and you might still need a separate life planner (I do think it’s worth the investment or I wouldn’t buy or recommend it to you)
How Powersheets Changed My Life
Well I can tell you all about how I love using Powersheets goal planner*, but maybe I’ll just show you. Here are some of the goals that Powersheets helped me accomplish in 2018 and 2019.
I don’t say this to brag or to tell you that I have it all figured out (because I don’t). But I’m saying this just to demonstrate that in spite of my chronic illness and days when I’m overwhelmed juggling daily life with 3 boys, that making changes to a well balanced cultivated life is possible little by little…and if I can do it, you can too.
- I identified my fears surrounding my blog business, overcame the one that prevented me from selling my products for the last year and took the next step to make income from my blog
- I found the piece that was missing from my life (faith) and took action on filling that void. I tried lots of different things until I found the combination that felt the most fulfilling and right for me and my relationship with God.
- I cultivated relationships with family be remembering to call more often, have dedicated weekly family movie nights and be present with them when they need me
- I recognized character flaws I passed onto my kids and worked with them to teach them how to overcome overwhelm, fight negative self-talk, stress less over things they couldn’t control and to develop better habits and routines to manage their time better. My littlest son even made his own tending list , fear identification (that was eye opening seeing what he was afraid of) and goals page!
- I cultivated my relationship with Superhubby by increasing our dates from one to two a week and making more of an effort to be present and available when he needs me
- I cultivated my relationship with friends by setting monthly lunch dates with old friends and coffee dates with new friends
- I caught up on 18 months of financial reports and took better care of watching our expenses and simplifying our processes.
- Even though I stay home now, we were still able to maintain our automatic savings transfers and pay cash for our new car and other household renovations to remain debt-free (besides the mortgage).
- I cultivated better daily habits of drinking more water. taking my medicine, blogging and reading the Bible or for fun
- I established an earlier wake up time (5am) to really focus on my Bible or blog before the kids are awake, these are the two things that fire me up and inspire me to start the day off right and I make most of that fringe hour time.
- Made progress on completing Elite Blog Academy*
- I transitioned my email marketing system from Convertkit to Mailerlite* to save me $400 per year and still grow my email list and engage with my readers.
- We decluttered the office and turned it into a clean, open space where we all love to work
- I implemented a Getting Things Done* system to help me develop systems and routines to make things easier.
- I recognized my favorite role as CEO (Chief Encouragement Officer) and embrace the work I do for my family, friends and readers. I even got the opportunity to encourage others at Cultivate Your Year LIVE coming up in December!
- I cultivated simple and meaningful celebrations and gifts for our most important events this year
- I earned more income from my blog in 2019 and am making progress on these work from home dreams!
- I’m taking steps to simplify my life and change my mindset so I don’t overcomplicate things (which I have a tendency to do).
The thing I love is that some of these things would be easy to forget about at the end of an overwhelming or frustrating day, week or month. But by tracking these things in my goals and tending lists, the Powersheets help me celebrate the big and small victories and look back at the things I accomplished over the year instead of what I didn’t. To me, you can’t put a value on cultivating those relationships with family and friends and cultivating habits that make you feel stronger physically, spiritually and emotionally. And I have Powersheets goal planner* to thank for that.
Are Powersheets Really Worth It?
No, the Powersheets are not worth it if:
- you are not willing to dig deep into what’s holding you back from achieving your goals
- you’ve already decided that you don’t want or need to change your life in order to reach your biggest goals
- you already know exactly what goals you want to pursue and how to achieve them
- you are not inspired or motivated by pretty designs and checking things off a list
- you don’t commit to using them
Yes, the Powersheets goal planner* are worth it if:
- you do the Prep Work! you aren’t afraid to dig in and willing to complete the worksheets no matter what you learn
- you are lost and need to find some direction for your life
- you need to focus and help break down goals into manageable pieces
- you want to celebrate progress on goals, whether it’s little by little or all at once
- you want to get out of the comparison trap and give yourself and your life more grace
- you want to beat overwhelm and embrace the present
- you are encouraged and inspired by simple, beautiful quotes and stickers
- you want goal coaching throughout the year to help you stay focused and have the end in sight
- you want to cultivate YOUR best life
The Bottom Line Powesheets Review
The bottom line is that Powersheets goal planner* are an excellent tool for really doing the soul searching you might be resistant to, but is necessary to truly excel at your goals. By analyzing your fears, you can learn how to work through and overcome them, and get out of your own way to get things done. I love the prep work worksheets and I think they will be valuable to work through each year or as my priorities or seasons of life change.
Honestly, I thought Powersheets would be a one and done planner for me. Once I did the Prep Work, I didn’t think I’d need to do it again. But then I realized that my life? It changes constantly. No two days are the same with kids and a chronic illness. And I realized how many times throughout the year, I felt overwhelmed and how I needed the Prep Work to work through some of those fears and feelings. So this year, not only did I buy another set but I am going to copy some of my favorite sheets while they are still blank, so I can fill them out as I need it throughout the year.
I fell in love with the Cultivate What Matters shop message, their inspiration on Instagram, the power and support of the Facebook community and I don’t want it to end. I need the Powersheets to have another well-balanced cultivated year.
The cons to the Powersheets goal planner are the cost and that you might still need another planner or bullet journal to manage daily appointments and commitments (which some might see as a con but I don’t). I use the Daily Simplified Planner but I also have a planner comparison of the most popular planners on the market if you need help finding your perfect planner.
I have really enjoyed using the Powersheets this year and think they helped me pinpoint and truly focus on the most important goals. I spent so many years spinning my wheels or getting distracted by my epicly long to do lists, that I failed to make noticeable progress. I felt like something was missing in my already busy life and the Powersheets helped me figure that out and fill that hole. The Powersheets goal planner* are helping me shift my mindset to a more positive one, focus and get things done!
My Favorite Powersheets Accessories and Supplies
You can get the Best Year Yet bundle* and if I didn’t already buy the individual items, I would totally have snagged this deal!
Must haves if you don’t get the bundle:
- Powersheets 2020 One Year Planner*
- Wildcard Essentials Pages*
- Goal Setting Sticker Book*
- Weekly Sticky Notepad*
- Cultivate: A Grace Filled Guide to Growing an Intentional Life* by Lara Casey
Other favorites:
- Pentel Energel .7mm black gel ink, needle tip pen*
- Emily Ley Pilot Precise Pen Set* or similar on Amazon*
- Zebra Midliner Highlighters*
Want to See How Powersheets Compares to Other Life and Goal Planners?
Subscribe to my newsletter here and get the Ultimate Planner Comparison chart for free! I’ve compiled all the data and pored through 11 of the most popular planners in the market to help you find the best planner for you…to beat overwhelm, to juggle your many roles, to tame the chaos and to find planner peace for your current season of life.
Wow, this is so so so thorough! Love this, this definitely helps push me to purchasing my own finally! They have a new undated 6-month one I’m going to get, I think. I just wish they had more than one cover for it.
Near the beginning of the post, you have “insert cover photo” written out, just fyi 🙂
lol, thanks for catching my mistake, Victoria! I hope you love the 6 month Powersheets, it will definitely give you a great sense of what Powersheets are all about!
Wow! Great review! You are so thorough. I have often wondered if I would like this notebook and I think you’ve convinced me it would help so much! I often feel like I have a million things going on in my mind and life and I just need somewhere to right it all down and help guide me. I am in EBA too and I am working so hard to get finish it. : ) Thanks for a great review!
Thank you Holley, I’m glad you found it helpful!The 6 month version is still available and the 2020’s usually come out in October. Yes, getting all the info out of your head and onto paper can really help you make sense of everything so you know just what to work on next. EBA is great, how do you like it?
This review is very helpful! Do I need the 2019 stickers? I see the 2018 ones are on sale – will the work okay with the 2019 Power Sheets?
Yes, absolutely the 2018 stickers will work. I have the 2018 sticker book too and plan to use them in my 2019 Powersheets.
My biggest dream would be to goal set with ease.
ahhh…yes! I agree. I’m a terrific goal setter and daydreamer, it’s the execution that troubles me. What is it about goal setting that is difficult for you? I’ll try to help if I can!
My biggest struggle is actually getting started. I let fear stand in my way too often. The PowerSheets will help me to identify my fears and what my actual dreams are, and to go through the steps to overcome them so that I can accomplish what is really on my heart.
yes, yes, and yes! The Powersheets can help you do all those things. Did you get some already?
I also struggle with autoimmune diseases and I never know what I will be able to do from one day to the next. It is definitely my biggest challenge. The powersheets are helping me be okay with growing little by little and celebrating progress. The healthy dose of grace helps me overcome my perfectionist tendencies and my all or nothing thinking. I would love to bless a friend with the powersheets if I win. Thank you.
I’m sorry to hear about your autoimmune disease also. It definitely makes advance planning more difficult. I can’t make my to do list until the morning so I know how I feel and what actually gets done changes as the day goes on depending on my health. I think the Powersheets definitely helped me appreciate the little by little and progress not perfection this year. I started a Powersheets group for those with chronic illness on Facebook if you are interested in joining. Let me know and I’ll give you the link.
My biggest struggle is consistency when planning. It can be easy to lose focus. This year that’s one of my biggest goals. I’m so excited about always having a fresh start and learning from the past, improving my practices along the way. I’m hoping the CWM powersheets can help me narrow down all my lofty goals so that I can truly focus on the ones that will make a difference carrying out my personal, professional, health and relationship goals.
My biggest struggle right now is properly allocating time for my different goals. I’m starting a business and going to college, as well as working a part-time job to pay bills, and I have two kids. I have a whole host of goals that I want to accomplish in 2019 and I know that a Powersheets planner would be an excellent tool to help me accomplish them all with less stress.
I love your reviews!! They are so helpful when thinking about what kind of planner I need! this sounds like an amazing planner for writing my dissertation…. entering the giveaway for sure!
Love this! Thank you for the thorough review. I read Cultivate and thought it was amazing, but didn’t know enough about Power Sheets to give them a shot. I am so intrigued now! I have started writing a book and feel compelled to do it, but just have no idea what to do about finishing it and even considering publishing. That would be my main goal ❤
Hi there! I think that the powersheets have been a life changer for you and that is so exciting! As a woman and mom, I struggle with not being able to do it all! I think I’m superwoman and then when I fail, I beat myself up! I have to remind myself that I am not God, and would I be this hard on my kids! No I would pick them back up, tell them it’s ok, and then encourage them with God! I am trying to apply this to all people I meet to! Great review and loved hearing your story! 🙏
My life is ruled by the tyranny of the urgent rather than the intentional. So many days (weeks, months, even seasons) I feel like all I do is spin my wheels. I need to focus and finish!!!
I just e-mailed you re: the review.
My biggest challenge is finding the time to go through the process and figuring out the answers (even though it’s me – I’m an ENFP so if you know Myer’s Brigg that should say it all!)
But I’m always excited and energized by starting points (such as the start of a new year) and I know this is a great product so would love the opportunity to work through it and get my mojo back!
Thanks for hosting, reviewing, and all that you do Tanya! 🙂
I have to admit, Tanya – I only came over here to help share your post, as promised in our group! But now I am really intrigued!
I developed my own goals system that I have stuck with for decades, but lately I have been feeling a little…stuck!
I think it would probably do me good to try something new, break out of my old habits (even if they’ve worked in the past), and revisit my goals & process.
I hope I win the giveaway 🙂
Thanks for this inspiring post!
Book By Book
Awesome Review! Thank you!–Amanda
Right now my biggest struggle is making time for downtime! I know that there are always chores to be done and I’ll never finish ALL THE THINGS, but I still feel guilty when I make time for myself rather than checking something else off the to do list. PowerSheets will help me hold myself accountable for taking me time!
My biggest struggle is my health. In college I had to receive the Hepatitis A and B vaccine and flu shot for the RN program. It started demyelinating my brain and spinal cord. I Have MRI proof of the damage and ongoing damage to me. Eventually I became too ill to work. I lost my home that I owned. My job was gone as I am too ill to work. I have been working on healing the damage with daily rituals from exercise, juicing, raw vegan foods, meditation, and alternative treatments. The planner would help me to write a book on the experience, my healing journey. I would like to write a recipe book for others to use. My biggest dream is to find a way to replace the income I lost. I would love to have the opportunity to once again be able to contribute to the household. I want to be able to save for the future. I am 55. I lost everything with the health challenges. To be able to help coach others, write the books, take charge is my dream.
Tell me your biggest struggle or biggest dream and what the planner and book will help you accomplish.
Hi Tanya! Thank you thank you for this awesome chance of winning/owning the 2019 powersheets! It is so sweet and kind of you. My biggest struggle is keeping up with my schedule and meeting my short and long-term goals. 2018 was a rollercoaster ride for my husband and I and I am hoping to have a better 2019. Thank you again!!!
My biggest goal is to publish a book! I’d also love to have a successful online shop to sell my artwork. The Power Shhets will help me define the steps I need to take and pin down the things that matter behind it all!
Thank you for the concise, but informative review! Looking forward to Cultivating what really matters in 2019 and actually doing them! Last year we had our 3rd baby, so I am excited to be out of the ‘baby fog’ and living my purpose for God, my family and myself!
OH man, my biggest struggle is also my biggest dream!! I’m a mama who owns a business, so I struggle with time management and what my priorities and goals are- I dream of being better at all the above!! This planner would help so much!
This is a really thorough review! Thank you bc I have been thinking if I really want to spend the money on this. Entered into the giveaway!
I can make beautiful lists and get a plan in place, but it only takes a couple of shake-ups (family illness, bill problems) for me to feel lost and unfocused. I also keep things in multiple places (adhd!) so I need to centralize my planning! I love how you explained these powersheets and how you use them!
Such a great in depth review. This years Powersheets look great! Thanks for sharing them with us! My biggest goal for 2019 is to buy a house and move to another city. So exciting!!