Everything You Need to Know about the 2020 Powersheets Goal Planner Before You Buy. I answer all the most frequently asked questions about the 2020 Powersheets and if they are really worth it. Find out the pros and cons, what's new in 2020, my honest review, best accessories and more in this complete 2020 Powersheets buying guide. A MUST READ before you buy.

Everything You Need to Know About the 2020 Powersheets Goal Planner Before You Buy

Are the 2020 Powersheets really worth it? I answer that and ALL your questions so you can have everything you need to know before you buy the 2020 Powersheets goal planner.

Everything You Need to Know about the 2020 Powersheets Goal Planner Before You Buy. I answer all the most frequently asked questions about the 2020 Powersheets and if they are really worth it. Find out the pros and cons, what's new in 2020, my honest review, best accessories and more in this complete 2020 Powersheets buying guide. A MUST READ before you buy.

For so many years I was in complete survival mode. I felt lost at many times in my life feeling like I didn’t know what my purpose was. In 2018, I was at another crossroads when I couldn’t decide where to go next with my life and career. And so I turned to Powersheets and found an incredible, life changing resource to make significant positive changes in the quality of the life for my family. Powersheets force you to dig deep into your past and dream big about your future so you can pursue what truly matters to you.

Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about Powersheets before you buy and begin your journey to a new you in 2020.

The Powersheets launch at 10:00am ET today so the Powersheets links will work after 10:00am ET, links to my other blog posts on Powersheets will still work. I needed to get this post out because I wanted to get the info in your hands so you’re ready (and stuff sells out quick) and I’ll be at the dentist! Yikes!

Note: I will be receiving a free copy of the 2020 Powersheets and accessories from Cultivate What Matters as a thank you for being a table leader at their Cultivate Your Year Live Event in December. Opinions expressed are honest and my own and based on my past experience with Powersheets I’ve purchased. This post contains affiliate links or referral links as indicated by an asterisk. Purchases from these links provides a small commission or discounts towards future purchases to me at no extra cost to you. 

What are Powersheets?

Powersheets intentional goal planner is my favorite paper goal setting tool with a proven 3 step system to help you uncover and prioritize your most important goals, develop action plans to break the goals down and execute those plans by tending to them throughout the year.

Powersheets are available in a one year dated planner with 4 cover choices and a 6 month undated planner with 1 cover choice.

The Powersheets are divided into 4 primary sections:

  • The Prep Work at the beginning of the planner makes you dig deep and uncover your deepest fears and what’s holding you back while it dares you to dream big and envision your ideal life. It’s a powerful set of worksheets and particularly impactful the first year I did it when I felt lost and needed direction.
  • The Goalsetting and Action Plans are after the Prep Work and these worksheets help you bring those dreams into describable and actionable goals. The Powersheets help you assess how you feel about your life in various aspects and uncover common themes in your goals so you can see how they relate to each other and pursue what really matters to you.
  • The Quarterly Refreshes and Seasonal Focus enable you to reassess how your goals are progressing and your life evaluation. That way you can adjust your goals for the next quarter as needed. The quarterly sections also have a focus each season to think about cultivating that season’s spirit and apply it to your home, work, and personal life. The Seasonal Focus pages are only available in the one year dated Powersheets goal planner.
  • The Monthly Tending Lists are where you record your goal action plans and break them down into monthly, weekly and daily tasks. Each task has a progress bar or boxes so you can check off what’s done and celebrate the little by little progress you make. It’s not a get it done list, it’s called a “Tending” list because Cultivate What Matters owner Lara Casey encourages us to “tend” to our goals and lives, that it’s ok to get messy with the dirt that life throws at us, and to tend to our goals the way we would to a new seedling we are excited to watch grow.

What’s new for the 2020 Powersheets?

I love that they made some improvements from the 2019 Powersheets based on customer feedback and I am excited about every one of these changes! I have not received my 2020 Powersheets yet so I will be sure to update this for anything else I notice when I get them. But here’s what we know is new for 2020 Powersheets :

  • The Prep Work pages updated to make them even better
  • The font is bigger! The 2019s had really small font that I had trouble reading even with my reading glasses on.
  • There is a monthly calendar! This might be game changing since a separate planner may not be needed (I’ll be testing that out to see how it goes and if it’s possible for me!)
  • 4 new cover choices, 2 solids and 2 prints and all beautiful!
  • The cover is a hardcover material sturdier than the paper board of the past years
  • The corners are now reinforced with gold brackets
  • The coil is now a gold wire O rather than the white plastic of past years
  • There is a pocket on the inside of the front cover. The color of the pocket depends on which cover you choose (for example, the confetti cover has a teal pocket, and the teal cover has a blooms pocket…)

2020 Powersheets teal cover blooms pocket

What are the pros and cons of Powersheets?

There are several pros and a few cons about the Powersheets and I go into that in extreme detail and complete honesty in my Powersheets review post, so I will let you read all of that there. Please note, the review is based on the 2019 Powersheets because I have not received the 2020 Powersheets yet and as soon as I do, I will update it.

How have the Powersheets changed my life? What have I accomplished with my Powersheets?

I get this question once in awhile and it’s a fun one to reflect on. How can one planner REALLY make a difference?

In a few words, the Powersheets have helped me improve my mindset, give myself grace more and worry less, and recognize that the quality of the life we’ve cultivated is worth much more than any amount of money.

But if you want more specifics, here you go…. here’s some of the things the Powersheets helped me accomplish in 2018 (my first year I got them). I don’t say this to brag or to tell you that I have it all figured out (because I don’t). But I’m saying this just to demonstrate that in spite of my chronic illness and days when I’m overwhelmed juggling daily life with 3 boys, that making changes to a well balanced cultivated life is possible little by little…and if I can do it, you can too.

  • I identified my fears surrounding my blog business, overcame the one that prevented me from selling my products for the last year and took the next step to make income from my blog
  • I found the piece that was missing from my life (faith) and took action on filling that void. I tried lots of different things until I found the combination that felt the most fulfilling and right for me and my relationship with God.
  • I cultivated relationships with family be remembering to call more often, have dedicated weekly family movie nights and be present with them when they need me
  • I recognized character flaws I passed onto my kids and worked with them to teach them how to overcome overwhelm, fight negative self-talk, stress less over things they couldn’t control and to develop better habits and routines to manage their time better. My littlest son even made his own tending list , fear identification (that was eye opening seeing what he was afraid of) and goals page!
  • I cultivated my relationship with Superhubby by increasing our dates from one to two a week and making more of an effort to be present and available when he needs me
  • I cultivated my relationship with friends by setting monthly lunch dates with old friends and coffee dates with new friends
  • I caught up on 18 months of financial reports and took better care of watching our expenses and simplifying our processes.
  • Even though I stay home now, we were still able to maintain our automatic savings transfers and pay cash for our new car and other household renovations to remain debt-free (besides the mortgage).
  • I cultivated better daily habits of drinking more water. taking my medicine, blogging and reading the Bible or for fun
  • I established an earlier wake up time (5am) to really focus on my Bible or blog before the kids are awake, these are the two things that fire me up and inspire me to start the day off right and I make most of that fringe hour time.
  • Made progress on completing Elite Blog Academy*
  • I transitioned my email marketing system from Convertkit to Mailerlite* to save me $400 per year and still grow my email list and engage with my readers.
  • We decluttered the office and turned it into a clean, open space where we all love to work

And in 2019 so far:

  • I put more emphasis on simple and meaningful celebrations for birthdays, anniversaries, holidays and graduations. More spending time just being together, with good food, fun and lots of laughs.
  • I cultivated my role as CEO (Chief Encouragement Officer) for our family, friends and anyone who needs a friendly ear and helping hand. I became a better listener so I could recognize their needs and help when possible.
  • Cultivated new friendships and reconnected with old friends.
  • One of my goals on my Spring refresh was to “make our house an open and welcoming playspace and enviornment”. My new friend paid me the best compliment when she came over one week and said “you have such a welcoming home”. She didn’t know how much her kind words meant to me
  • We had more visitors in 2019 it felt like, our families and friends made more time to visit us and we partied hard doing things they enjoyed which made them feel special and loved and made them want to visit more often. And my kids’ friends have been coming over our house too. The more the merrier!
  • I got started doing Virtual Assistant work so I get paid to do something I love!!
  • We got some home improvement projects done including painting the house and making the weeds that is our yard turn into grass!
  • I made more income on my blog in 2019 even though my traffic goal has not been met!
  • I put my goalsetting in perspective by recognizing that unexpected things come up (life happens) but there are still small victories and happy memories to celebrate each month when you look closely. Here’s what I do as part of my month in review process in my 2019 Powersheets:

What’s the difference between the one year Powersheets goal planner and the 6-month Powersheets goal planner?

The main difference between the one year Powersheets goal planner and the 6 month Powersheets goal planner is that the 6 month is not dated and are missing the quarterly refresh and seasonal focus pages. If you can afford the extra couple bucks for the dated one year Powersheets and they are still in stock, then I recommend getting the full year.

Is the Powersheets tending list available as a printable?

No, the Powersheets tending list is not available as a printable.

Are Powersheets available as a pdf?

No, Powersheets are not currently available as a pdf, you have to buy the paper version. They do offer the goal guides on pdf which are specific topical guides to help you dig deeper on a particular area of goals (parents, couples, finance, wellness, for example).

What are Powersheets wildcard pages?

Wildcard pages are extra pages to help you set goals and track progress on different areas of your life (such as decluttering, content planning, finances, etc). You can print your own wildcard pages (you get the link when you purchase the Powersheets), buy the pretty Wildcard Essentials pack (which I’m getting for 2020) and washi tape it in to your Powersheets or create your own. Here’s an example of a blog tracker I created on my wildcard page with my October 2019 tending list.

What are the best pens to use in the 2020 Powersheets?

I don’t have my 2020 Powersheets in hand yet, but I’m told the paper is the same as in 2019. It’s high quality paper and my favorite pens to use in the prep work is the Papermate Inkjoy gel pens because they come in lots of colors that match the different life categories and color coding stickers. See? ….

powersheets goals using papermate inkjoy gel pens
Powersheets goal summary

If you like just one pen and highlighter, I’ve been using my Emily Ley Pilot Precise Pen (in Blue) , (you can get Pilot Precise pens on Amazon too) and Zebra Mildliners.

What are the best 2020 Powersheets accessories to get?

The best 2020 Powersheets accessories to get are the ones you will use. The Powersheets themselves are so pretty with the gold font accents and colorful prints inside. The Powersheets also comes with a page of gorgeous stickers. So really you could get just the Powersheets and a pen and be on your way.

But if you want accessories, because as you can see they are gorgeous, these are my favorites:

  • Goal Setting Sticker Book – love this book but be warned that from my 2018 sticker book, sometimes those color coding dots fall off (I’ll be ordering a 2020 sticker book at launch to see if it got better). The rest of the stickers are great and this year’s sticker book has amazing gold sticker quotes that I have to have for the encouraging words space on my tending list.
  • Accessory Pouch – I’m getting the teal accessory pouch for my confetti Powersheets. I love that it comes with a band to secure it to your Powersheets and is large enough to hold the sticker book, pens and washi tape!
  • Wildcard Pages
  • Weekly Sticky Notepad
  • Washi Tape 
  • Pep Talk Notecard Set
  • Wall Calendar for my kitchen desk

Are there any Cultivate What Matters coupon codes?

You can get a 10% off coupon when you sign up for their newsletter here.

You can get FREE Shipping with domestic U.S. orders of $100 or more.

You can get a FREE Sticker on launch day with any purchase.

The bundles are also a chance to get a good deal on the Powersheets while they are still in stock! The Best year bundle pictured below is the best deal in my opinion!

I can’t afford Powersheets right now. How can I make my own DIY Powersheets?

If you can’t afford to buy Powersheets, you can make your own DIY Powersheets by signing up on the website for the Cultivate What Matters newsletter so you can sign up for the live coaching and walking through the Prep Work that Lara Casey does at the beginning of December. She goes page by page through the Powersheets and tells you how to best use the page, what she’s doing and it really helps see and work through the Prep Work in your own notebook.

I do recommend grabbing one notebook that you can dedicate to the Prep Work, Goal Setting and Tending Lists so you can refer to it each month. Create your own tending list with the goals you want to track progress on and make it work for you.

Are Powersheets really worth it?

As I say with most investments, yes, the Powersheets are worth it if you do the work. In this case, the beauty (and sometimes, painful realizations) come from doing the Prep Work worksheets. If you are easily overwhelmed or not willing to dig deep and answer the questions, then you won’t get the FULL benefit of the planner and the transformation it can nurture in you.

The Powersheets are worth it if you feel lost and don’t know which direction to take (this was me in 2018 when I got my first set). It will help you think through current life situation and how you’d like it to change.

The Powersheets are worth it if you like to set goals and are motivated by checking off items from your list and coloring in/showing little by little progress on your tending lists each month.

The Powersheets are worth it if you need encouragement, a friend in your corner reminding you that “it’s ok to grow slow”, to get messy and making significant changes in your life can be made by recognizing “little by little” progress.

The Powersheets are not worth it if you’ve already made up your mind that you can’t change, improve your life or reach your big goals.

The 2020 Powersheets are launching at 10:00 am ET on October 16, 2019 and they sell out fast and aren’t restocked until the next year. I hope I’ve answered all your questions about the 2020 Powersheets so you can make an informed decision before you buy. While Powersheets aren’t for everyone, they can be life-changing for those who are ready to dig in, uncover harsh realities and overcome them to cultivate the life they want. Grab your 10% off coupon and check out the Powersheets here and let me know if you have any other questions I can answer in the comments. Let’s “Goal get em”!

One Comment

  1. I love this honest review, and can not believe how wonderfully they have worked for you! 2019 has been my first year using them and, I have to say, there have been so many positive changes in my life that I am sure have come with being focused in energy and attention on what needs tending in my life. For me, Powersheets have taught me that I can’t do it ALL, but letting go of what isn’t necessary helps me focus on where I am and what my path is.

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