
Recipe Review: Williams-Sonoma Belgian Waffles

First up in the RA Test Kitchen is a recipe from Williams-Sonoma for their Buttermilk Waffles and Strawberry Jam.  My family loves waffles and Superhubby wanted me to find a waffle recipe that’s as good as those Belgian waffles in restauarnts.  So the challenge was issued and my hunt for a waffle recipe for my waffle conossieurs began.  

I tried out the waffles of this recipe this morning.  The ingredients have to come to room temperature so that takes a little while but that’s the same of most waffle recipes I have found.  Since the buttermilk, egg yolks, egg whites, butter, and dry ingredients all require separate bowls, a large mixing bowl to combine everything and a waffle iron, it created a sink full of dishes to wash.  Whisking the eggs isn’t so bad but whisking the dough when it’s all combined is tough.  If you have an electric mixer, it’d certainly be easier but I have not invested the money or counter space in one yet. 

RA Ease of Preparation Rating: 3 of 5 stars 
(1 is very difficult and 5 is super easy)

Well what about the taste?  Although I did not make the strawberry jam, the belgian waffles themselves were wonderful.  Finally, the waffles came out crispy and tasty enough to pass my family’s waffle requirements.  I topped mine with blackberries that were on sale at Harris Teeter for 99 cents, a dollop of whipped cream and a drizzle of maple syrup.  The recipe made 8 Belgian waffles and we will have to see how the leftover waffles toast up tomorrow morning.  We toasted them up for breakfast during the week and they were even better, we have ourselves a winner!

Family Yumminess Rating: 5 of 5 stars

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