Sit Down and Write 6 Goals and Accomplishments


My blogging friend Michelle of The True Book Addict and Stories Inside is hosting her 6th Sit Down and Write event, scheduled for April 1-15, 2015. I love that there are no rules for this event, whatever it is, the goal is to just write. Now that I can handle!

Here’s what Michelle says about the event:

Now, if you haven’t joined us before, you might ask what you can do for Sit Down and Write. Well, you can catch up on book reviews (or other blog writings), you can work on your work in progress, you can journal, you can write short stories, you can prep your novel (research, take notes, etc.) or other writing project. I’m not fussy and I HATE rules. So, let’s do this! Sign up below if you’re in and write up a post if you want. I will be posting updates periodically so I can stop in and check on what you’re doing. If you would like to update on twitter, our hashtag is #sitdownwrite.

Since I missed Bloggiesta and Blog Staycation last week for Spring Break, I have a long list of blogging related tasks to get done. As much as I enjoy blogging, there’s something about jotting down my thoughts or things that inspire me in a paper journal. It’s cathartic and as I was updating my book journal for my current read, I realized just how much I missed it. So for the next couple of weeks, I hope I can do a little of both.


1. Update 1 book per day in my paper book journal (these are my favorite quotes, spoilers allowed, ending included unfiltered thoughts about the books I have read. I have about 20 books I haven’t written about yet).

2. 6 blog posts (besides linkups)

3. Update favorite quotes in my quotes journal. I never did thank her publicly but Becca from Lost in Books sent me a stash of prizes for being one of her top blog commenters last year. In this adorable little notebook she put one of my favorite quotes from The Poisonwood Bible to start me off. It was such a sweet gesture and a reminder to keep track of those quotes I love. Thanks Becca! 

 A journal to keep inspiring quotes.

4. Jot down blog post ideas in my blog planner swimming around in my head everyday. You know you’re a blogger when everything you do turns into a blog post idea and there are more pictures of recipes you made than kids on your phone. Doesn’t happen to you? Um, yeah…me neither. 🙂 

Well, I think that’s it for me. Looking forward to getting back to pen and paper and getting some blog writing done too these next couple weeks. I hope you’ll join Michelle, the others and I for this fun event. No more excuses, no pressure or deadlines, just Sit Down and Write! Sign up for Sit Down and Write here. I will be updating my accomplishments below so stay tuned! 



What do you enjoy writing? What have you been wanting to write but don’t make time for? What are your goals if you’re participating? 



  1. I love the idea of a quote journal! Never thought of that, but might start one up. There are so many quotes out there that I love, but never remember because I never write them down. And how convenient that I collect blank journals, so have plenty at hand!

    I kept a daily journal as I was recovering from knee surgery, but let it lapse. I miss the daily writing, so time to pull out another blank book and start up again! Thanks for the great ideas!

  2. You know, you have reminded me how much I miss writing my book thoughts in a paper journal. I need to start doing that again. My mom doesn’t blog, but she has a paper journal that she writes down the books she read and briefly what she thought. I miss it! I also have a quote journal somewhere and I need to start doing that again too. Thanks for bringing this up!

    I’m glad you’re joining me and I can’t wait to see your accomplishments. 🙂

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