Tackle My Blog’s To Do List: Mini-Bloggiesta

tackle blog to do do list during bloggiesta

Do you have a long list of items to tackle on your blog’s to do list? I do and am using the weekend to join other participants during Bloggiesta to get this items done. Below is a list of the mini-challenges being offered by myself and other bloggers to help out participants.

* Commenting and Networking brought to you by me!

* Organizing Your Books brought to you by Kate and Kristen from The Book Monsters (@TheBookMonsters)

* Easy SEO Tweaks brought to you by Amanda from On a Book Bender (@BookBender)

* Vlogging Challenge brought to you by Celine from Nyx Book Reviews (@CelineNyx)

* Blogger Domain Help brought to you by Monika of A Lovely Bookshelf on the Wall (@lovelybookshelf)

* Alt Motives brought to you by Samantha from Spamantha (@CyV)

Bloggiesta’s site also has an extensive list of all the past mini-challenges for more ideas on ways to improve your blog and I checked those out too to come up with my goals list for this weekend. I feel like I spend a lot of time on creating blog posts and this weekend I am going to work on setting things up to increase efficiency.

Goals & Updates:
* Complete Alt motives mini-challenge – done
* Complete Easy SEO Tweaks mini-challenge – done
* Participate in Twitter Chat, July 20th at 10pm EST. – done
* Create templates for book review posts not yet written, It’s Monday What Are You Reading and Feature & Follow meme posts. Save template to Evernote and Google Docs so that it is easily accessible. – decided to incorporate It’s Monday, What Are You Reading? into my new weekly recap called Small Victories Sunday. Hopefully I can make this a meme and I’d love for others to join me in celebrating their small victories, so stop by and link up a post or something you’d like to share.
* Create cheat sheet with helpful coding and links I use often to help me write blog posts more efficiently.
* Update blogging calendar using Evernote or Google Docs.

I hope you will all stop by my Commenting and Networking Mini-Challenge, try it out and let me know what you think!

Are you participating in Bloggiesta? Link up your goals and I’ll stop by. What is on your blog to-do list? What tips or tools can you share that helps make your blogging more efficient and easier? Hope you have a fantastic weekend and I’d love to hear from you so leave me a comment!

Final Thoughts:

I appreciate everyone who tried out my commenting challenge and left me a note. I hope it served as a good reminder to support your fellow bloggers. It’s always nice to hear back from someone, so we aren’t just blogging to a void. The best part of blogging to me is the community and “meeting” people I might not otherwise, but who share common interests. Hopefully I can knock out some of these remaining goals in the next week before it completely falls off my radar.

Kudos to Talullah from A. Literary Mafia who commented on over 75+ blogs and dedicated her weekend to commenting and showing her fellow bloggers support.  Well done Talullah!

I am so excited to have Small Victories Sunday up and a chance for me to help support you in your small victories. I hope you will grab my button and link up a post (or you know I LOVE comments) and tell me what was great about your last week! I’m kinda proud of the button, my own picture of our beautiful North Carolina (in the US) beach.  See that cloudless blue sky? That’s what we call, Carolina Blue!

small victories sunday



What did you enjoy most about Bloggiesta? Did you accomplish your goals? What new-to-you bloggers did you meet? Until next time, happy reading and hope your days are full of small victories!






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  1. Thanks for visiting me, Tanya. I’m happy to say that I have completed the top two priority tasks on my list and I’m getting ready to start number 3. I am SO loving my one sidebar/larger post section layout. Now my sidebar is reorganized and I have a separate page for favorite blogs and their buttons. Yay!

    I like the idea of a template for regular posts and a spot to keep frequently used links, etc. I may have to do that myself. Hope you’re having success with your list.

    Not too much longer until the High Summer Read-a-Thon starts!

  2. I haven’t been doing the mini challenges this time around but I’ve definitely jotted a few of the ones you have listed down to complete later. Some of them kind of jive up with things on my much bigger blog to do list. Hope you are reaching your goals this weekend.

  3. Tanya I hope you update us with even some notes on how you organise your Blogger calendar using Evernote and Google Docs. I really need to start being more organised with my blog too. I currently don’t have templates, but when I do a Feature & Follow Friday or other weekly memes, i just copy and paste the HTML code in the previous week’s and then change the links, linky and other important and updated info. How are you planning to create a template?

    I’m loving all your ideas and I do hope you outline how you’ve done it to help those like myself who have no idea LOL

  4. I totally need some SEO tweaks. I have a whole SEO book and the minute I sit down to read it I fall fast asleep. It’s more effective than Ambien. Still…I need to know how to improve what I’m doing!! (or should be doing!) –Lisa

    1. Yep, I have an SEO book too and I haven’t read it yet. That’s why I like these challenges when people figure it out for me and tell me what to do…in plain English. Amanda from On a Book Bender is great at explaining blogging concepts in terms so amateurs like me can understand.

  5. Creating a book review cheat sheet/prepping future posts is on my list as well, it’s much more efficient and makes regular blogging a little easier for me. Commenting is one of my goals too and loved your commenting and networking post. It was so informative. I’ll have to work on beefing up my own comments this weekend. Good luck on all your goals.

    1. Lisa same here, I actually thought that I got email notifications from Bloggiesta but I didn’t get any. I’m jumping right in now and doing as much as I can. I’m going to suggest that they put a schedule up so I don’t miss it in the future as I love this event!

    1. Hi Shannon, yea I got that idea from the Midnight Book Girl and West Metro Mommy in the Book Bloggers do it Better G+ group. I love that community and thought it was a great tool to help customize and make blogging easier. I recently purchased the Ultimate Book Blogger plugin so I am hoping the template will help me copy posts into the plugin faster.

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