Top 10 Books to Reread
I am joining The Broke and the Bookish for today’s Top Ten Books to Reread. The books I want to reread are mostly my all-time favorite books or those that I tried to read as a kid and either didn’t finish or I don’t remember it. Many of the classics have made it to my Classics Club list. I’m hoping that now that I love to read, I’ll be able to give these classics a second chance. Many of these would be great selections for our , a great selection for our Travel the World in Books Reading Challenge!
Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon might be my all time-favorite book. A fantastic combination of imagery, mystery and romance, this book had everything for me. Taking place in a bookstore and the Cemetery of Forgotten Books, it’s a book lover’s dream the way Zafon describes his love for books and the power books can evoke. Set in Spain.
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. This is one I listened to on audiobook for my Classics Club challenge. Sissy Spacek as narrator was perfectly captivating but the story had me entranced. I had a different perspective and appreciation for the interaction between father and children now that I’m a mother myself. Another favorite I would not hesitate to re-read.
The Midwife’s Confession by Diane Chamberlain. It wouldn’t be a booklist of mine without my favorite author. Midwife’s Confession is still the first book where I felt such a compassion and love for the characters that I missed them when the book was done.
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. A book that completely changed my perspective of Death. As a narrator, Death was compassionate, eloquent and beautiful. Totally different from the Grim Reaper persona. Just a completely heartbreaking and beautiful book and one that gave me hope. Set in Germany, a great selection for our Travel the World in Books Reading Challenge.
Under the Jeweled Sky by Alison McQueen. I loved this book and what it reminds me of. The power of first and forbidden love. The impact of India gaining their independence from Britain. A fantastic historical fiction, one that I was emotionally invested in and I learned quite a bit about this important event in Indian history.
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas and The Mysterious Affair at Styles by Agatha Christie. Two of my favorite books as a teen, back when I disliked reading for pleasure. Somehow I remember loving these two books so I think they deserve a re-read since I’ve done them the injustice of forgetting why. Set in France and England respectively.
Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L’Engle. Read this one in school as a kid but don’t remember it. I think I would enjoy this fantasy novel now.
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodges Burnett. I tried to read this book a couple times as a kid because my mom had said it was one of her childhood favorites. I never did get into it but I’m hoping now I’d have the attention span to power through.
The Iliad by Homer. Ok, so I didn’t like to read as a kid but I loved Greek mythology and somehow did read the Iliad. But, I don’t remember it so on the re-read list it goes.
What books would you like to re-read? Did you like to read as a kid? Do you enjoy re-reading books? You make me happy when you leave a comment so I hope to hear from you!
I’ve been thinking about rereading A Wrinkle In Time for years. I’m like you, read it in grade school and loved it then. Gave it to my kids but I should have read it with them!
I did the same with some Beverly Cleary books, I got Runaway Ralph and The Mouse on the Motorcycle for my middle son and nostalgia made me want to read it again (though I haven’t yet).
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Lisa!
Hi! I found you through Inspire Me Monday link up. You have a beautiful blog! Please come join the link up party at I would love for you to share as many of your great posts as you’d like. I host a new link up party each Wednesday, but the link ups last a whole week, so you can link up at any time. God bless.
Thanks so much Chris, its lovely to meet you. I appreciate your invitation and will stop back by.
Shadow of the Wind is one of my fave books, and definitely deserves a re-read one of these days! I need to finish that series anyways!
Hi, visiting from the SITs sharefest. Love lists like these. I’m an avid reader. Literary, classic or modern, science fiction, some mystery. I’ve never heard of Shadow of the Wind. Sounds interesting. Makes me think of Borges a bit. To Kill a Mockingbird is on my re-read list too. Others on my list to re-read: One Hundred Years of Solitude by Marquez, Pride and Prejudice by Austen (the first Austen I read but it was in high school). The Iliad? Wow. I read it in school and though I love mythology I was so done with that one! Preferred the Odyssey. As for re-reading it, however, I don’t know.
Hey there, I found you via the NaBloPoMo blogroll.
My favourite book as a kid was From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E. L. Konigsburg – I loved the idea of running away and living in a museum. 🙂 I also loved anything by Enid Blyton – The Faraway Tree was probably my favourite, though.
As part of NaBloPoMo I try to comment on as many participating blogs as I can, and I also add participating blogs to my feed reader.
So I’m just dropping by to let you know I’ve added your blog to my feedreader, I’m reading you loud and clear, I have a link up going at my place so my readers can find participating blogs which you are more than welcome to add your blog link to.
Looking forward to seeing your posts, and you’ll likely see me drop by again during November.
Happy NaBloPoMo to you!
Thanks Snoskred, it’s a challenge enough posting every day so thanks for finding time to comment too! I have not heard of the books you mentioned but will look it up to see if my 3 little guys are interested. Thanks for letting me know the linkup on your blog, heading over!
Hi, visiting from BlogHer’s NaBloPoMo. There are so many books that I want to read that I haven’t read even once yet that I usually go for that over the re-reads. But, The Magician’s Nephew was my all-time favorite book as a child and I’ve re-read that one at least seven times. Happy Reading, or Re-Reading 😉
Thanks for stopping by CC and finding me on the linkup, there are so many bloggers linked up. I’m the same way, prefer to read books the first time before rereading. I haven’t read the Magician’s Nephew, I will have to look it up and read it with my boys! Thanks for the suggestion, it’s my bookish bucket list goal to read 1000 books with them in our lifetime. We’re in the 200’s but have a ways to go!
Hi I found your blog on the NaBloPoMo November roundup! I loved The Secret Garden as a child. I still remember the first time I read it. I’ve never re-read it because I want to remember it as it was then.
Thanks Ginger for stopping by and finding me on that massive linkup! I hear you on wanting to preserve that first experience with a book. It’s why I don’t normally watch the movie after reading a book and vice versa. Is there anything you would like to reread? Good luck with NaBloPoMo! Have you done it before? It’s my first time.
This is my first time doie NaBloPoMo I’ve only been blogging for a short time. I have plans to re-read Sister Citizen it’s nonfiction and Pride and Prejudice in the next few months. Good luck to you with NaBloPoMo!
Thanks Ginger, good luck to you as well with NaBloPoMo, I’ve been blogging a couple years but posting daily is still a huge challenge. Are you taking the weekends off?
I reread The Count of Monte Cristo a couple of years ago, and remarkably, it was still a page turner the second time around! 🙂 I had just seen the fine adaptation with Jim Caviezel, and it was interesting to see how much films tend to revise the ending with Mercedes.
Great choices all around for a re-read!
Oh glad to hear about your reread and the movie adaptation. I have not seen it but maybe I will after I reread it. What books would you like to reread Lucy? Thanks for sharing your thoughts, you know how I love and appreciate your comments and support!
I wish I would reread books more often! The ones I teach every year, I always reread and get to know the stories so well. There’s just so many books! But To Kill a Mockingbird is one of mine! The Great Gatsby is another.
Teaching is a great excuse to reread a book. I don’t know how you have any time to read for your own pleasure! I listened to The Great Gatsby on audio which I enjoyed but I wouldn’t mind reading the paper version too.
I’ve actually been thinking of doing a 3 Books I read Twice in 2014 post. I love rereading books! I’ve probably read a few of my favorites at least ten times. It never gets old reading a story that you just love. There are a lot on your list that I haven’t ever read. Shadows of the Wind sounds really interesting. And The Book Thief is our book club book for next September and I’m super excited to read it.
Your book club for your blog? That’s great you have your books picked so far in advance! There are so many books I haven’t read once that I don’t typically reread books. But I think I will have to especially when I want to finish the 5 or so series I have read the first book for but not the rest. Oy!
Oh Agatha! It has been awhile since I have reread one of hers!
I owe it to her, Agatha was one of the few authors I loved as a kid. Always loved mysteries and even wrote and illustrated my own mystery in 4th grade. Glad to hear from you Felicia. I guess I already kniw that Harry Potter is a series you are rereading. What else would you like to reread?
I almost added The Shadow of the Wind to my list! I was a little lukewarm when I read it the first time but so many people have loved it and so I wonder if it was just bad timing. Plus I want to continue in the series! The Book Thief is JUST as good the second time around.
Oh Shadow of the Wind had me at the first page, imagining what a Cemetery of Forgotten Books might look like. I want to reread it so I can finish the series. I should have just picked up the rest right away. Have you seen The Book Thief movie? I am scared to just because the book moved me so much.
To Kill a Mockingbird, The Count of Monte Cristo, and Shadow of the Wind are all on my list too. Great minds think alike! I would love to visit the Cemetery of Forgotten Books. I am so sad it’s not real.
Oh I love I wish the Cemetery was real too but I wouldn’t mind getting lost in there for a few days 🙂 thanks for stopping by, it seems we have similar tastes in books. I just finished Unbroken a couple months ago too!
Great list! Most of these were my childhood favorites too. Here’s my TTT. Happy rereading!
The Secret Garden. Every time I read it, it’s still magic.
Aw. Hope I feel the same way when I get to it Alexandra. Thanks for stopping by. How is NaBloPoMo going for you? It is my first time participating, any tips to getting through the entire month of posting? Did you take breaks on the weekend?
I am so with you about the Book Thief, but I can’t say that I would reread the others. It is a great list, though!
Thanks Jen! What’s on your books to reread list? Do you like rereading books? I have trouble reading everything I want to once, let alone twice!
Can you believe I have not read The Midwife’s Confession? Have to do something about that. Lots of other great ones in your list!
Ohhh, my favorite of hers probably cause it’s the first one I read and it just caught me totally off guard. What books would you like to reread Donna?
I tried to read The Secret Garden when I wasa kid but couldn’t get through it. I’ve always wondered if I’d be able to enjoy it more now, as an adult. I’ve always wanted to read Shadow of the Wind. Thanks for stopping by!
Michelle @ Michelle’s Minions
Yea, I wonder the same thing if I would have a better appreciation as a mother now. It worked for Little Women, I couldn’t get through it as a kid but loved Marmee and what a wonderful mother she was though she admitted being patient was a quality it took her years to get. Thanks for stopping by Michelle!
I forgot about The Secret Garden. That’s a favorite, too. It’s one I will have to reread aloud to my girls.
Oh good. I hope I enjoy The Secret Garden whenever I get to it. It’s on my Classics Club list so I need to do it! Maybe this spring… 🙂
Awh – The Secret Garden was one of my favorites as a young girl and I read it multiple times…and it made my Top 10 list this week as well! To Kill a Mockingbird is also a great one!
And – I can’t say I EVER want to reread The Iliad (or The Odyssey for that matter)…we had to read them in Latin in high school and it was almost the death of me!