Travel the World in Books Readathon Oct 2015, Day 1: Introductions and Instagram Challenge
Welcome, welcome, welcome to our first day of the 2nd annual Travel the World in Books Readathon! Today kicks off our readathon whose goal is simple…to get you reading more about other countries and cultures than your own. It’s both a learning opportunity and a great excuse to cozy up with a good book and travel to places you might not otherwise be able to visit!
My fabulous co-hosts Becca, Savvy, Lucy and Aloi and I have a great couple of weeks in store for you, check out the entire schedule of events here.
Daily Discussion Posts
This year we want to get YOU talking about your favorite books, authors, genres, and characters. Every day we’ll have a different topic of discussion. You can write a new blog post, link up a couple of old posts that are pertinent to the topic and/or leave comments answering our questions. Linkups will be open through 11/7/15 ( a week after the readathon ends to give you plenty of time to write a new post if you want).
Today’s discussion topic: Introductions
Tell us about yourself, your blog, your reading style (paper or e-reader), where you live, your favorite world lit, your favorite reading nook, etc, we want to get to know about you and anything you want to share with us. If you need ideas on what to write, you can answer last year’s questions.
A Little About Me
I’m Tanya and I’ve been blogging at Mom’s Small Victories since 2011. Wow, time flies when you’re having fun! You might not think I’m a book lover by my blog name but I really got into books in 2012 when I read The Secret Daughter by Shilpi Somaya Gowda. It tore at my heart and it turned me into an avid reader. If you want to know more about me, here’s the story behind my blog name. I live in beautiful North Carolina in the US with my 3 sons and Superhubby. My boys have actually encouraged me to love reading and now reading together is one of our favorite pastimes. It’s one of my book bucket list goals to read 1,000 books with my kids and we’re at about 330 so far! I’m starting a book club for my middle son’s class in school and I hope I’m successful in getting his classmates to love reading as much as he does. I tend to favor Kindle books over paper (the Kindle is just easier for me to hold) and my favorite genres are world lit (of course), historical fiction, contemporary, thrillers, Southern lit and literary fiction. I enjoy good chick lit every once in awhile but I steer clear from erotica and westerns. Well enough about me, time for more Readathon fun…
Instagram Photo Challenge
I LOVE Instagram. If I could choose another career, I’d want to be a photographer. I have not run an Instagram challenge but I’ve participated in them before. I’m happy that we’re doing an Instagram challenge for our Travel the World in Books Readathon, using our new shorter #TTWIBRAT hashtag. Be sure to follow your hosts on Instagram too: Tanya, Becca, Lucy and Aloi. Tag each day’s photos with the #TTWIBRAT hashtag, don’t worry if you miss a day, if you have a photo to share, tag it anytime! Today, head over and do a selfie with one of your favorite books from around the world. It doesn’t have to be literature, it can be any genre/type of book in your photo. Have fun and I’ll see you on Instagram!

Want to know more about our Travel the World in Books Readathon? Sign up here, check out our schedule of events, linkup your goals if you like and travel the world in books with us!
Want to continue the reading and traveling fun all year long? Sign up for our no-stress Travel the World in Books Reading Challenge and our Goodreads group too.
I didn’t think I’d write a post today! But this great kickoff post got me going to post a little something. I had fun taking my first selfie–it’s just as hard to do as I imagined! haha, but I’m learning. Thankfully, most of the other days just call for a picture of a book or books and they pose very well for pictures! Have fun and I hope you get some good Sunday afternoon reading in yourself. Thanks for preparing everything so, so beautifully.
I know what you mean, selfies are hard for me to take too so I just did the books…no worries 🙂 so glad you felt inspired to write a post, I always love learning about my blogging friends! Thanks for hosting the challenge and readathon with us!