Travel the World in Books Reading Challenge – Antarctica Book Reviews

Travel the World in Books Reading Challenge. Join our no-stress reading challenge where you choose your own goals, timeframe and how you want to travel the world in books. Where in the world is your reading taking you? Hosted by: Mom's Small Victories, I'm Lost in Books, Fictional 100 , Guiltless Reader and Savvy Working Gal

Welcome to the Travel the World in Books Reading Challenge where you choose your own reading and travel adventure! Link up your Antarctica book reviews that you completed for our Travel the World in Books Reading Challenge starting July 1, 2014.

Please leave your link in the format of “book name – blog name”. The link up is sorted alphabetically so this format will help readers find book reviews and new books to enjoy.

For more info about the challenge, be sure to visit our challenge goals and rules page and sign up here.