
Wonderland 222 Planner: Everything You Need to Know

Before you buy a Wonderland 222 planner, get all the info you need here: pros/cons, best features, full review, layout ideas, where to find it and more.

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What is the Wonderland 222 planner?

The Wonderland 222 planner is a planner designed and distributed by Wonderland 222, a company based in the USA. It features minimalist and functional planners designed by and for people with ADHD. The Wonderland 222 planner has 52gsm Tomoe River Grid Paper which is a very thin Japanese paper that is smooth and luxurious to write on, even with fountain pens and watercolors. The Wonderland 222 planner comes in 3 sizes (A5, B6 and A6) and dated or undated options. Wonderland 222 also sells accompanying notebooks, tabs, gorgeous washi stickers, covers, fountain pens and inks.

The Wonderland 222 planner makes a great hybrid bullet journal because it has many trackers already done for you and the 2023 Wonderland A5 planner has 90 daily/notes pages in it.

Wonderland 222 Planner Review

You can find a full detailed Wonderland 222 Planner review here including:

  • best features
  • pros/cons
  • a comparison between Wonderland 222, Hobonichi and Stalogy’s paper (all have similar thin Japanese paper)
  • pictures inside the Wonderland 222 A5 planner
  • why and how the Wonderland 222 is the best planner for ADHD
  • ideas on how to use each bullet journal style tracker (yearly, quarterly, monthly review and overview)
  • favorite accessories to use with the Wonderland 222 planner (pens, highlighters, cover
  • if the Wonderland 222 planner is worth it

The review currently covers the Wonderland 222 2022 planner and I will be updating it soon for the changes for 2023. See the Wonderland 222 website for complete details.

Wonderland vs Hobonichi

A comparison of Wonderland vs Hobonichi to help you decide which is right for you

Is the Wonderland 222 on Amazon?

No, the Wonderland 222 planner is only available on their website.

Is there a Wonderland 222 coupon code?

No, I don’t have any Wonderland 222 coupon codes to share.

The Best Deal on a Wonderland 222 Planner

If you’re not sure if you will like the thin Tomoe River paper, try one of their overstock sale planners (currently 40% off) and redate it if needed. You can use stickers to redate it but really the font/paper is light enough that you could easily just write over the preprinted dates with a pretty colored pen/highlighter.

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