2016 Reading Challenges
I’ll be tracking the progress on my 2016 Reading Challenges on this page. I LOVE reading challenges and the contagious enthusiasm the challenge hosts give their participants. Who doesn’t love talking about great books? I really wanted to sign up for all 25 of the Reading Challenges to Unleash Your Inner Bookworm post but let’s face it, I’m already a bookworm and I can’t complete that many challenges.
Without further ado my goals and the info on the reading challenges hosted by book bloggers that I’m joining and continuing for 2016. I’ve set a Goodreads goal of 50 books this year again.
Note: This post contains affiliate links as indicated by an asterisk. Purchases from these links provides a small commission to me at no extra cost to you. Thanks for supporting my blog should you decide to purchase.
1. Travel the World in Books

I co-host The Travel the World in Books Reading Challenge so of course I’m signing up. This challenge actually started in 2014 and my goal was to read 50 books in 5 years so this is a continuing challenge.
Original Goal: 50 books in 5 years
Completed through 2015: 23 books
2016 goal: 15 books
- Come Away With Me by Karma Brown – US, Thailand and Italy
- In Another Life by Julie Christine Johnson – Languedoc, France
- And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini
2. Diversity on My Shelf 2016
This year’s Diversity on the Shelf Reading Challenge is hosted by The Englishist and I think it pairs easily with #1, Travel the World in Books. The purpose of this challenge is to promote diversity by reading books by or about a person of color (POC). If you need help this is the definition of a Person of Color from Wikipedia and an amazing list of resources to get you started.
My 2016 goals: Trying for Level 2 again (7-12 books)
- And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini
3. Read My Own Damn Books 2016
The title of this challenge perfectly describes how I feel at the end of the year when I STILL haven’t read books on my bookshelf and Kindle. Read my own damn books is hosted by Estella’s Revenge. I have 169 books I have not read yet that I own.
My 2016 goal: 12 books (some of these will count for other challenges too)
- And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini
4. Blogging Better Reading Challenge 2016
I was looking for a reading challenge to motivate me to read the slew of blogging books I’ve hoarded. Thankfully, Katie from Doing Dewey answered the call and is hosting the Blogging Better Reading Challenge.
My 2016 goal: 6 books – here are some I have or plan to purchase: Blog Design for Dummies*, the 5 books in the Blogger Babes Blog Series, Skyrocket Blog Pageviews With Google Analytics* and Tell Your Time: How to Manage Your Schedule so You Can Live Free*
5. New Year’s Resolutions 2016
Joy’s Book Blog hosts the New Year’s Resolutions Reading Challenge to read books that will help you accomplish your 2016 goals. Since my goal is to grow my blog, this and Blogging Better go hand in hand for me.
My 2016 goal: 6 books – same as #4 above.
6. Bookish Resolutions 2016
The 2016 Bookish Resolutions Challenge is hosted by Trips Down Imagination Road & Because Reading Is Better than Real Life. I’ll be sharing my monthly reading, blogging and personal goals in the linkups and discussion posts. They have a point system to keep track of your goals and accomplishments, so I’ll track that here too.
Completed goals (3 pts each):
- Updated newsletter
- Clean up sidebar
- Fix navigation menu and images on mobile site
- Blogathon mini challenge – learn how to use FontAwesome icons
- Write a planning post – How to Bullet Journal in a Planner
- Secure more guest posts for Be Our Guest Fridays series – done through mid-March.
Half Done (1 pt each):
- Mission Statement (written but not posted on blog)
- Media Kit (written but need to update for new design in Feb)
- Clean up email (deleted 7k, 3k to go!)
Total January points: 21
Completed Goals (3 points each):
- Started a Travel the World in Books Reading Challenge Newsletter
- Write a blogging resource post – 8 Facebook Groups You Need to Grow Your Blog
- Write a book list post – 25 Reading Challenges to Unleash Your Inner Bookworm
- Write a book review post – In Another Life by Julie Christine Johnson and No Ordinary Life by Suzanne Redfearn
Half Done (1 point each)
- Start working on updating blog design and install Tweak Me v2 theme*.
- Complete a couple of the to-dos from Skyrocket Blog Pageviews with Google Analytics*
Total February points: 14
7. Classics Club Perpetual Challenge
I joined The Classics Club in 2013, one of the first reading challenges I joined. I have read 12 out of 50 classics and my goal is to complete them by February 28, 2018. It’s scary how fast the years are flying by! I love that there are lots of FREE classics you can download for the Kindle* and I like reading on my Kindle at night after Superhubby goes to bed, great time to catch up on the classics!
My 2016 goal: 10 books
8. Foodies Read 2016
Foodies Read 2016 Reading Challenge is hosted by Based on a True Story. Fiction, nonfiction and cookbooks where food is a major part of the plot count for this challenge.
My 2016 Goal: Short Order Cook (1-3 books). I have Julie & Julia*, My Life in France* by Julia Child and The Hundred Foot Journey* by Richard Morais to read on my shelf already and that does not count my cookbook obsession!
9. Historical Fiction Reading Challenge 2016
I’ve really enjoyed reading historical fiction in 2015 and glad to have found this Historical Fiction Reading Challenge hosted by Passages to the Past, an entire blog dedicated to historical fiction!
My 2016 goal: 2 books
- In Another Life by Julie Christine Johnson – 1200’s and present day in Languedoc, France
10. Read the Nobels Reading Challenge 2016
Read the Nobels Reading Challenge is hosted by my Travel the World in Books Reading Challenge co-host Guiltless Reading. Read books written by authors who have won the Nobel Prize for Literature.
My 2016 goal: Nobel dabbler – 3 books – hopefully I can get to The Jungle Book* (free on the Kindle), which will count for the Classics Club and Travel the World in Books Reading Challenge for India too.
11. Rory Gilmore Perpetual Challenge
I’ve been binge watching The Gilmore Girls on Netflix since I learned what a book lover Rory Gilmore was. This Rory Gilmore Perpetual reading challenge has the complete book list of the 369 books Rory is seen reading in the series. And because I totally love checklists, I’m going to track my progress with this adorable checklist/book from Callaloo Soup.
My 2016 Goal: I’m sure some of the classics will be on this list too. At least I hope so! I setup a dedicated page for my Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge since it never ends and it might take me forever to read all of these. Check my progress over there!
Are you participating in any challenges? Any I need to know about? Happy reading!